Hi, I am looking for a mandelbrot fractal or julia fractal program for the Apple II.
Preferably written in 65(c)02 assembler, alternatively in Integer BASIC (using I lot of peeks and pokes, I suppose).
I have looked all over the Asimov server, but found nothing.
Any hints?
Hmmm, really? There's an Apple 3 Business BASIC implementation:
documentation/apple3/dtca3doc/DTCA3DOC-097 basic - mandelbrot set.pdf
And of course a version for the GS (GSOS/Pascal):
Another option is to take a look at Mike Willegal's Scelbi site
There is an assembly language Mandelbrot program for the 8008 processor.
You could adapt it to an apple II, the 8008 is way harder to program for than a 6502.
check this out
This magazine article was very good.
Better get that Info Quickly...
CALL-A.P.P.L.E. is reporting that Bob Bishop has recently left us.
Sorry if I didn't make everything clear. Of course I have seen the GS version and the A3 mandelbrot program (which is a good thing, because what I am really trying to accomplish is a sort of benchmark test).
However, as of yesterday, I haven't found a mandelbrot program for a standard Apple II that is not written in AppleSoft or Pascal. So I will check all the links you all have provided in this thread.
Ultimately, I will find a program that is easy to convert to other 65xx platforms (Atari XL, Commodore 64/128) and that will allow me to compare
- standard Apple IIs
- GS running at 2.8 MHz
- various accelerator cards
- Apple III.
Stupid idea? Perhaps ... but I love the idea ...
Not stupid at all .... but i´d recommend to take a source from Pascal because it´s portable to all named platforms and might even be used at none Apple brands....
you might even compare the runtime also with different kinds of Z80 cards ( with different speeds ) at CPM or even at IBM clones at CPM86 !