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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicApple II Rev 0 clone build DDE42 years 4 months ago
Forum topicWarning, fake Mimeo marked Apple-1 boards out there... Corey986142 years 4 months ago
Forum topicAnother Apple-1 PCB Project mrtitanic77782 years 4 months ago
Forum topic2 new games for Apple-1 Macintosh_nik42 years 5 months ago
Forum topicThe 45-year old riddle about the handwritten serial number on Apple-1 is solved achimhb92 years 6 months ago
Forum topic2519 and 2504 clones Toms9852 years 7 months ago
Forum topicRev.1 of the modifications to the Russian Apple-1 Files mrtitanic777312 years 8 months ago
Forum topicApple 1 start-screen AlexWener62 years 8 months ago
Forum topicCable ACI to iPod / iPad Thomas_R22 years 8 months ago
Forum topicApple-1 manual signed by Ron Wayne Macintosh_nik52 years 8 months ago
Forum topicApple I replica - video terminal problem solis123112 years 8 months ago
Forum topicWhere to attach a 5V Fan (80mA)? marcelerz42 years 9 months ago
Forum topicLooking for Apple I Replica kit jamesleboulanger52 years 9 months ago
Forum topicCodebreaker game fixed and available p-lab52 years 9 months ago
Forum topicTexas Instruments closed frame IC sockets td7572 years 10 months ago
Forum topic20-minute documentation: Re-creating the Apple-1 manuals retroplace_192 years 10 months ago
Forum topicFranklin Computer Disk Interface Card tolderlund152 years 10 months ago
Forum topicMostek mk4027n-4 works stably on apple1 zhqfdn32 years 10 months ago
Forum topicReplace 2504 / 1404 with am2804pc zhqfdn72 years 10 months ago
Forum topicMy first Apple-1 build / Video scrambled retroplace_152 years 10 months ago
Forum topicOriginal Apple-1 #82 (#41 in the registry) is alive and kicking... as usual! p-lab52 years 11 months ago
Forum topicMay I show you my Apple 1 Clone AppleMicha222 years 11 months ago
Forum topicAm1404a cannot be found. Are there other alternative ? zhqfdn72 years 11 months ago
Forum topicWhere is the latest Gerber files of ACI replica? zhqfdn12 years 11 months ago
Forum topicA14f / nte5800 / mr5000 cannot be found. What other models can be used instead zhqfdn82 years 11 months ago
