S.Elliott's blog

Using the "Phi1 Echo" to distinguish disk controllers

Apple hid a quirky feature inside its disk drives, a full-loop signal path via addressable latch Q1, via stepper phase-1, via the motor control board, via the write-protect switch, via the analog board in the disk drive, via the shift-right input into the data register, and back onto the bus.  This signal path can be used to distinguish between the various Apple II disk controllers.
  • Apple Disk II controller prints 2 inverse bytes: 7F 00
  • Micro Sci A2 controller prints 2 inverse bytes: 80 00
  • (untested guess) IWM in Apple //c: A0 20
  • (untested guess) IWM in Apple //c+: AF 2F [EDIT: this guess was wrong]

Quick ref: Pass arguments to machine code from the Monitor

When calling a machine code subroutine from the Monitor, one or two additional arguments can be passed by taking advantage of the way the Monitor uses delimiters to parse arguments from its command-line and stores them in the zero-page pointers A1, A2, A3, A4...in an arbitrarily-strange order:
  • The default argument is always the subroutine address, stored in A1.
  • Appending a '.' delimiter allows another argument to be stored in A2.
  • Inserting a '<' delimiter allows an argument to be stored in A4.

Apple Presents...Easter Egg!

Back in 1983, how many users found the secret message in this instructional software?


Bargle program by Sue Espinosa

Bargle Bargle Bargle




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