
Using the "Phi1 Echo" to distinguish disk controllers

Apple hid a quirky feature inside its disk drives, a full-loop signal path via addressable latch Q1, via stepper phase-1, via the motor control board, via the write-protect switch, via the analog board in the disk drive, via the shift-right input into the data register, and back onto the bus.  This signal path can be used to distinguish between the various Apple II disk controllers.
  • Apple Disk II controller prints 2 inverse bytes: 7F 00
  • Micro Sci A2 controller prints 2 inverse bytes: 80 00
  • (untested guess) IWM in Apple //c: A0 20
  • (untested guess) IWM in Apple //c+: AF 2F [EDIT: this guess was wrong]

Upgrade the Disk II controller with shrouded headers

Apple chose bare headers for the disk connectors on the Disk II controller, which make it notoriously easy to connect the drive cable incorrectly.

Jameco's "Shrouded Box Header 20 Pin 2316R-20G" makes an ideal replacement.

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