Help Transfering files to my Apple IIe

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Help Transfering files to my Apple IIe

I have been trying to send some files to my Apple, but I have not had much luck. The first thing I was trying to do was get shrinkit on to my apple so I could unpack the files I sent. I started by sending unshk2plus.bsc. I sent it thru a null modem cable using Hyperterminal on my PC and using the IN#1 comand on my apple. When i attempt to send the file over to my apple, my apple recieves a bunch of strange strings of charactors. for example "skljsajdsa$dfsijdfijfd48439430l" then I recieve sytax error and more strange charactors get sent over to my apple. I am trying to create the geos install disks for my apple 2 I have all the files but I just can't transfer them to my apple correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Telecom software needed on the IIe side of things. . .

I think that you have several issues going on there. I don't know much about it, but it seems like you have things set up correctly on the PC, like using piece of communications software, but you need to do the same on the Apple IIe. ProTerm was a preferred program for this task.

Also, I think that the file "unshk2plus.bsc" itself is a compressed file, and that you would need to decompress (unshrink) it before the Apple II can use it.

Send me a private message here on the Apple Fritter, if you want to arrange for me to send you copies of the above software on floppy disks formatted for the Apple IIe and ready to use.

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 595
This might work...

This might work, but it's been a very long time since I've tried it, and I was using two like computers, so there was no problem with translation.

Anyway, if you don't have term software for the IIe, write a short basic program that will receive strings of text from the serial port. On the PC side, send the files as standard text files. Do not use something like Zmodem, Xmodem, or Ymodem, etc.

Basically, if you can send the file to the Apple IIe as a text file, you can re-assemble the file on the Apple IIe and save it to disk. If you know what you're doing, you could try sending the file as straight binary as well.

Essentially, you'll just need the Apple II to grab data from the serial port and save the data as one contiguous file on the Apple IIe's drive.

Good luck.

Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
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Posts: 12
Hey could you give me an exam

Hey could you give me an example of a basic program that might work

Last seen: 18 years 7 months ago
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Posts: 595
Sorry, but I know absolutely nothing about the Apple II

Sorry, but I know absolutely nothing about the Apple II. I've never really used one, and I've never really had the time or opportunity to study or use Applesoft and/or Integer Basic.

Perhaps somebody could help you write a little ML utility to collect data from the serial port and dump it to the disk. Ask around the Apple II forums and or Usenet newsgroups.

It shouldn't really be that tough. All you'd really need to do is reserve some memory space, open an IOCB to the disk for write, open the serial port to receive data, write to disk, repeat till EOF, and close file.

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I think what you want to use is ADT to transfer disk images to your PC.
If you already have a working null serial connection from a PC to your Apple (which it sounds like you do), then go here:

download ADTwin, and find the proper ADT image you need (SSC, Other, GS) and then set up the PC com port, IN#2 on the PC (or wherever your serial port is) and 'type adtimage > comX:' should get a working ADT program to your apple and start you down the road to transferring images to the apple.

My directions are a thumbnail, the step by step is at that link. If you need any more help, let me know or post here.

Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
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I have a program to transfer

I have a program to transfer the files to my apple computer now but I am still having issues. I have the PC set-up like so 300 baud, 8N1, emulation VT-100. Has the same settings. I'm sending the files through Z-modem. I put the apple in recieve mode, then I send the file from the PC using hyperterminal. And the apple does nothing the PC says "awaiting responce." Then the apple beeps and says "Connection terminated, to many errors." I have been trying all different kinds of settings, I'm getting no luck. I can send files over as ASCII files, I got that to work but, I can only save the files as .txt files on my apple computer. So, I can't use them. I am using Proterm 3.0 on my Apple. I also have telecom for the apple. Could someone give me some, I am not very good at this stuff and could use a step by step guide on how to get this to work.

Last seen: 10 years 6 months ago
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Posts: 149
Is the cable you are using a

Is the cable you are using a Null Modem Cable If you are Using a Super Serial Card is it set to "Terminal"?. If you have a null modem cable is it a FULL null modem cable?

Last seen: 11 years 1 week ago
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Posts: 12
I am using a null modem cable

I am using a null modem cable its not a full cable just a converter. But, I have got ADT to work. I messed around witht the superserial card's settings. And finally got the "Dump" into basic to work. Now using ADT on the pc side and apple side I can now send .dsk files to my apple. But, I still can not get Proterm or telecom to work with my PC. I think its something to do with my Emulation settings. What should I set my emulation mode settings to? Should I send it through Zmodem? Or Xmodem?

Last seen: 1 year 3 months ago
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Posts: 906
Here's the solution!

This is what I, and the original poster have been looking for;

It is a program that can convert between the common file formats for Apple II emulators and compression schemes, on an Apple II (8-bit)! Share and enjoy!


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