Cool, I like what you've done with the place. Is that new paint? Oh, and the view... Breathtaking.
Anyway, why isn't anyone posting in this wonderful new MacIntel forum? Has Apple changed their mind about going Intel?
Cool, I like what you've done with the place. Is that new paint? Oh, and the view... Breathtaking.
Anyway, why isn't anyone posting in this wonderful new MacIntel forum? Has Apple changed their mind about going Intel?
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A new forum... how long ago did this turn up? I only just noticed it.
BDub mentioned something about this forum on August 25, 2005, in the AF Architects forum, in response to a post by Coius on August 21, 2005.
Coius suggested that a new forum be created for discussion on the MacIntel computers. I seconded the motion put forward by Coius and Tom Levens supported the idea as well. Daviqh also made an appearance before BDub announced on August 25th that the new forum had been created.
This forum is the product of democracy. Coius floated an idea, others supported the idea, and the powers that be, BDub, implemented the idea. I would note that the democratic process worked flawlessly in this particular instance.
Of particular interest is the fact that there were no "behind the scenes" actions taken by subversives in an effort to thwart the growth of the Applefritter forums. There were no corrupt blowhards placing Coius under unlawful surveillance for having floated an idea. There were no "we are mighty and we will decide" admin types to tell the users that they were out of line for floating an idea. It was a true democracy... The admins working in partnership with the members to ensure that Applefritter remains an important and vital part of the Macintosh using experience.
What I especially liked was that nobody accused Coius of being a communist for having suggested that a MacIntel forum be created. Nobody accused Coius of imposing his will or suggested that Coius was telling the Applefritter Admin's what to do. Tom Owad did not feel threatened by the fact that Coius had suggested a new forum and the police were not called. The National Guard was not called in to secure the area in the event that Coius might have another idea.
The really cool part: Coius will be able to contribute to this new forum, secure in the knowledge that his human rights are not being violated, that he continues to enjoy privacy and equal protection of the law, and that he is free to make any suggestions he so pleases.
That's how a democracy works! That's Freedom!!!
We don't have that here in Sarnia, Ontario!
But someday!!! Someday we will have freedom and democracy right here in Sarnia, Ontario. The same kind of freedom that people enjoy right here on Applefritter!
That is why I am asking for your support in demanding that the CRTC immediately revoke the broadcast licenses of the broadcast undertakings of Blackburn Radio Incorporated. A petition will be floating around the globe within the next few weeks that will be demanding that the Federal Government of Canada immediately launch an investigation into the criminal acts of Blackburn Radio Incorporated and the cover up by the Sarnia Police Service! Justice must be served!
To be clear, Applefritter is not a democracy. Coius made a good suggestion, others made suggestions to improve upon the idea. We then took the idea and ran it past Tom, who approved it. Once approval came down, I created the forum, using the best parts of the sugestions give. (Example, you may have noticed that the Power Macintosh forum in now the PPC forum, as per Tom Levens suggestion)
This is not a democracy, this is just a place that doesn't ignore a good idea when it comes along.
You pretty much described a democracy, whether you care to admit it or not. Tom Owad was like the President, BDub was like congress, and Coius, Tom Levens, and myself are like citizens. The citizens made a proposal, congress liked it and passed it, the president liked it and signed it into law. The x86 Mac forum is now in the books.
I'd term it more as a benevolent dictatorship.
Maybe even more as the article describes, a dictablanda.
Benevolent dictatorship is an accurate description. And it is kept benevolent by the fact that everyone is free to leave if they cease to find it to be so.
And Dr. Bob is the hitman. Thankfully nobody needed to be killed for this new forum.