PCSetup 2.1.7 and 32Bit Windows drivers

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Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 4 2005 - 20:47
Posts: 67
PCSetup 2.1.7 and 32Bit Windows drivers


I was wondering whether anybody has attempted a setup like this before - meaning a DOS comatible Mac running Windows 95B and PCSetup 2.1.7. I've set mine up using MacOS 8.1 and PCSetup 2.1.7 with Windows 95B on the DOS side, now, for the PCSetup there is also a windows executable that one is supposed to use in order to "install the 32bit drivers" for the card (disk controller etc). I cannot seem to get the executable file to work, it does not display any message box, no sound, nothing after doubleclicking it (using the Windows environment, obviously). Using the console and trying to access the file does not output any verbose information either... therefore I was wondering if anybody was able to get these drivers to work at all, if ever attempted before - it would improve the disk performance quite a bit if one could get them to work.

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago
Joined: Jan 4 2005 - 20:47
Posts: 67
Solution found

In the meantime, I've found the solution. The driver file for the Windows environment was corrupt, hence no installer. Using www.waybackmachine.org and selecting an earlier date for the website cache, I was able to download the 2.1.7 exe (rather than the 2.1.7f) and installed it - improved disk performance dramatically.

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