ALF MC16 clone

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ALF MC16 clone
Image icon ALF MC16 clone front1.68 MB
Image icon ALF MC16 clone back2.25 MB

I have finally made a near 100% clone of the MC16. The card was used in the early version of the Alpha Syntauri before switching to the Mountain Computer Music System. 5 Cards can be used with the Alpha Syntauri software and 3 cards with the ALF software.

The card has some differences to the original but it has the same components and the same Layout.


Bugs in the current Layout:

- One connection from DAC3 to the opamp is missing, resulting in a missing voice. Solution: solder an airwire.

- The holes for the 3-pin connectors are too small. Solution: drill them wider.


These bugs will be corrected when i make the layout puplic. Since it is rather hard to get the components, the usability for the community is limited.

I may do a small run of 20 cards. The price would propably be between $60-$90 per card.

I have difficulties to source the 1782Khz Quarz. I have some CSA1.782M resonators but they are not precise enough.



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ALF MC16 clone released?

Hi! Jonas, nice work on the MC16 clone. My MC16, I think I broke it. The power light in my II+ burned out without me knowing and I inadvertantly removed the MC16 while the power was engaged. 


I'm interested in a schematic to help in repairing my board.  I'm also interested in building another.



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Hey, looks super nice.  I

Hey, looks super nice.  I have most of the components to build that card in my parts bin so if you have a way I could get a bare board it would be greatly appreciated.



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Last seen: 5 days 4 hours ago
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Posts: 223


The board in the ZIP has some errors. The holes for the components are very small (big enough for machined pins or direct chips)

And a trace is missing in the layout (marked in the picture)


replacement parts:

LM307: TL081, TL071 usw.

DAC-76: DAC86EX, DAC88EX, AM6070, AM6072 (aLaw varuant: DAC87CX und DAC89EX)

F4723: CD4723, HEF4723

LM340-5.0: LM78L05


I have later layouts for a 3.5625 quartz but i cannot find them at the moment.

The 1782 KHz quartz is very hard to find.


I may have some bare PCBs left.

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Posts: 2642
Are the files for creating

Are the files for creating the boards published?  Any plans to correct them so more boards can be made?  I wouldn't mind getting a PDB.  As I said previously I think I already have most if not all the parts in stock to complete one.




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Last seen: 5 days 4 hours ago
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Posts: 223
I have to ceck my Windows PC

I have to check my Windows PC (which i havent booted for 3 years) to check the files.

I will most likely have some time on the weekend to look into that.

The bare PCBs are somewhere in the basement. We had some small floodings in the past two years and a lot of stuff was rearranged and packaged. It may take some time to sort through that. I just recently have begun to rebuild my hobby-room there. A lot of my projects were more or less canceled because of that. The new pipework has been installed a few weeks ago and some work still has to be done. The floor of the basement is in bad shape.



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