I own an Apple IIe with a green/black screen and two 5" floppy drives (I'm not sure if this information is useful, so I included it :/ ). I have noticed over the years that many of my games have warped, become corrupt, or completely unusable. For most of my disks, I don't really mind. However, one game in particular seems to have struck a note in my heart, Win Lose or Draw. By some miracle, this game has survived unhurt through the years without any special form of preservation, and being the most used by far of all my disks. However, I have noticed some small corrupt patches in graphics recently and have become deeply concerned about the future of my beloved game.
I hope this is kosher to bring up, since this is my own game, it's 20 years old, and there's no way to replace it. I wish to back it up onto a new computer, possibly to (gasp) emulate it and retire my ragged, dying Apple IIe. (The keys are falling off, screen is all scratched due to the ribbed nature of it, and several parts have gone amiss). My only concern is my poor Win Lose or Draw disk. Is there a place with instructions on how to back up my treasured disk so that it may be used in the manner of my describing? Or is this an unhealthy topic to suggest? Or, dare I ask, has someone already backed up an image of it? Again, I hesitate to bring this up, but I checked asimov's repository for it, and they only have the sequel. No no, good sir, this will not do. I must have my *original* Win Lose or Draw. 'Tis the only reason I keep my Apple.
Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, solutions, or comments? Would you be so kind as to post a reply or contact me at puargs | AT | hotmail | dot | com ? Much love for you all, and the Apple community, for keeping my dream of WLoD alive.
Try this:
Download an Apple II emulator. Try http://www.tomcharlesworth.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
Find the Win Lose or Draw image. Try ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/games/misc/win_lose_or_draw/
By the way, I just tried it and it works. Fun game!
As I said, unfortunately Asimov's archive only has Win Lose or Draw II. I need to back up my original disk, not the sequel.