Recently, My G3 Mini Tower has, decided, all on it's own, I might add, to automatically reboot itself approximately 13 minutes after shutdown. This happens when I use the 'Special' - pull down menu command, or by using the power button on the keyboard (extended) and the resulting dialog box that appears asking if you want to 'Shut Down your Computer'.
The Operating System is Mac OS 9.2.2 (no X ...yet! ) and machine speed is PPC - 300mhz. I've checked the Energy Saver Control Panel and all settings are normal for me (ie Turn On and Turn Off option times are deactivated) and everything else I can think of. What on earth have I missed to correct this oddity? or has My Mac now got a mind of it's own..........?
My G3 Mini Tower
May 12, 2005 - 4:55am
My G3 Mini Tower
Trash the preferences. If that fails, try reinstalling the os (if you don't have an install disc, you can find them cheap on ebay.) Most likely the system OS is the problem. Some part of it is not working as it should If it reboots suddenly, zap the PRAM and press the CUDA switch on the Board. if that doesn't work, try putting a better heat sink on the processor. It could be that it is not getting enough cooling. My PC has the problem that if my room get's over 78 degrees
It reboots after it overheats. Then it will hang at the Prompt until the CPU has cooled down. After that, it continues booting. I just Put a new heat sink on it, so hopefully all should be well.
Hope this helps!
...reset the CUDA or the logic board? sometimes that works.
EDIT: seems that someone had been faster...
btw, i dont think that there's something wrong with the cooling, as it reboots only AFTER a shutdown.
Yes, the re-setting of the CUDA switch, the trashing of preferences, Zapping the PRAM and a CLEAN Install of OS 9.2.2, along with resetting everything necessary, certainly did something......... because now all is far.
It couldn't have been overheating, as the Aluminium Heatsink is quite sizeable and as stated, My Mac was only rebooting AFTER shutdown.
Once again....Many thanks