I currently have a beige g3 available for sale. Here's the Specs
Desktop case
266 mhz cpu
64mb ram
ati rage 128 video card
24x cd-rom
dead 4gb ata hdd
I'm asking $35 plus shipping and handling. I can also throw in a 350 mhz chip from a blue and white g3 if you're interested. the chip will work in the beige, and I'll give you info on setting it up. It's a good solid machine that I don't have much need for anymore. For anyone looking for a project, or a computer for the kids that requires a little bit of elbow grease, this one's for you. It is missing the bezel over the optical drive, but works fine. If you want, I also have a loose internal ata zip drive if you're interested (I don't have the mounting bracket or bezel for it either).
- iantm
i'll take it if ya still have it. just tell me how much the shipping is to 79605 and i'll get back to ya.
sorry! ericsimpson1@cox.net