i-opener Netpliance

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i-opener Netpliance

Hello to you all, I have a few questions on the i-opener netpliance system. I had never heard of one until today and I was intrested in buying it. Does anyone have any information on these systems are they worth the money? The model number on it is NP1000 thats the only thing I know about it, and would love to find out anything I could on it. Please help. Thanks & have a groovy day. IBBOO2005.

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
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No, they are not worth the money. I don't believe the company is still active.

These machines are very very basic computers with little to no expandability. They came out several years ago, and the fact that you just learned about them should tell you how worthless they are. If all you want to do is to browse the web (with little support for media like video, audio, or flash) and the read email you're still better off buying a really old laptop.

The only cool thing about the i-opener machines was that a few models could be hacked/moded. This isn't a reason to buy them, but a reason not to smash it into your own skull if you did buy one. Most of the mods were limited to adding a hard drive etc. This way you could run Win/Linux/Unix on the machines and have cheap little computer that really couldn't do anything.

The machines sold for $99, so if you find one for a lot less than that and all you want is to hack it and have a cheap email/web computer then I guess my above statements were harsh. It may be worth it for the sheer *WHY?* value. But only if you mod it.

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You wanna buy mine?

You wanna buy mine?

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
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i-opener Netpliance

These are really outdated now...

I think the best you can do, is upgrade it to a Pentium 180 class machine with a WinChip, though people may have been able to kick them up a bit more.

You can attach a 2.5" laptop HDD to them and then load Windows 98 or a minimal Linux Distribution on it.

Some people have installed BeOS with good success.

Truthfully, you can get a Compaq iPaq on eBay for around $120 that is a MUCH superior machine, though it doesn't have the built in screen.

You might also look for a Monorail Computer, while bigger and heavier is more expandable and standard...

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: i-opener Netpliance

Does anyone have any information on these systems are they worth the money?

Someone gave me one for free and I don't think it's worth the money.

Hardwarewise it's essentially an old low-spec (166-200Mhz, depending on version) laptop repackaged into a funky destop stand, minus hard disk or any other media. By the time you've bought the replacement BIOS chip (which the newer ones need to be turned into a computer) and hard disk adapter you've spent the same money as getting an old laptop of similar or better specs.

In other words, they were really cool to hack into cheap LCD computers five years ago, but they're historical curiosities now. If you want to get one intending to use it as is the ISP they were designed for is out of business. There was a hacked firmware available that allows you to use one in a limited capacity on a generic dialup, but it's non-trivial to install.


Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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I have an old thinknic machin

I have an old thinknic machine that was given to me. It is an appliance machine too. Has no hard drive, but it does have a 4 meg flash card that is inline with the ide port (it is seen as a 4 meg hard drive). It also has a cdrom/128 megs of ram (upgraded from the stock 32)/amd k6 366mhz cpu (upgraded from the stock cyrix 266 m1, yuck)/usb/network port/etc.

I have been thinking of tossing a notebook drive in place of the flash card and seeing what I could do with it.

DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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price is right

well if it's free and you have a laptop HD lying around, give it a go and tell us who it works out.

seen this? http://www.9thtee.com/iappliance.htm

Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
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Re: price is right

well if it's free and you have a laptop HD lying around, give it a go and tell us who it works out.

seen this? http://www.9thtee.com/iappliance.htm

Well how cool is that! I actually just might go and buy that just to mess around with the unit. I really have no need for it but its just so tiny and cool looking.

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago
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i-opener netpliance

mine is for trade or sell if you would like to start a fun hack what i need is the power adapter for 20"cinema flat screen monitor tech support is the only place new that exist for sell unless somebody has one due to damage other wise the adapter is not just lying around except under my situation good guys sold there store and in between the employees loading there trucks in the back and the floor samples my friends and i got christmas very early at the dumpster my friend who has the other one won't part with his and with all the excitement with the surround sound $2500 nakamici home theater i didn't think to go back before the garbage truck day [tip]if u check compusa office max every day you can fill your storage to the top with hd,dvd burners every printer cables,routers etc....it is a crime for them to waste that i justify a minor trespass i never buy wifi, externals etc... and until now they might make me pay that i can't afford for a very nice monitor its been 1 year since .and my friend with his working and mine not is a waste of a free item from the rich corporations who sleep on beds of the poor peoples money i do have a 15"starlogic flat screen for the power adapter not fire cable the wall plug

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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One item to note, going throu

One item to note, going through the garbage is often not trespass unless you have to enter an obviously restricted area. Most places require an enclosed dumpster area, but this is not the same thing as having the dumpster also behind a closed fence, etc. Local laws are always a bit different, but I've been inside a dumpster when the truck came for it. The man driving didn't make any sort of a deal about it, and we chatted about his schedule for picking it up. When I was a teen we worried about "being caught" but now that we've got more experience we know that most places don't really care about it as long as you don't make a mess.

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Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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kket: You've heard of periods, paragraph breaks and so forth, right? Because I can't read that.

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