I wish I had a bought an APPLE II Back then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can anyone relate ?)

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Last seen: 19 years 10 months ago
Joined: Nov 3 2004 - 16:01
Posts: 9
I wish I had a bought an APPLE II Back then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can anyone relate ?)

I started out as an Electronics hobbyist, and that

graduated more into the software side of Computer.

Even though the first computer I ever touched was TI 99/4A

I was memorized by the APPLE II and always wanted one, even

before I saw my first in school something attracted me to

that machine. I remeber waiting on my riding watching my

prinicpal at school use his APPLE II For business, I was


At first my parents could not afford an APPLE II, so they

bought me a Commodore 16. I always thought Commodore made

crappy home computers, they were cheap for a reason.

I soon grew frustrated with the lack of info for this alrea

dy near dead machine, and almost lost my intrest in


Then something happened my gracious mother realized I was

the equivalent of a great musician without a guitar and

worked on getting me a real computer.

We were very serious about buying an APPLE IIE, and even

considered the IIGS. (That Franklin ACE 2200 at sears got a lot of stares also), Then something happened, I let

someone talk me into buying an IBM Compatible. Someone in the

industry even suggested a mac but I was too brain washed

by then. Plus I need the comptability with the APPLE II's.

There was a board that would let you use your PC as an

APPLE II but were doing very good to buy a PC.

Its irrevalent now but even though I was a computer buff

as kid, In the early day's I never liked the PC. It was so

expensive and it came with nothing (The original APPLE II

came with more), and it sound and graphics were subpar to

say the least. Who wanted to go from the SID cheap to a

computer that could just beep? I saw it as a boring busin

ess computer, back then it really was.

There are times when I wish could go back and

live the APPLE II era, when it was still alive.

To end this , the APPLE II really was my dream.

hope somebody can relate.

P.S...........I have plans to buy a G4 in the future.

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a //c for me

Yeah, I know how you felt. . .

. . . so when I was in high school I worked as a painter/maintenence worker elsewhere, saving for my machine, computer not a car. I ended up getting a //c when the first generation went on sale, just before the upgrade came out. Then I got a very good textbook on machine assembly language and took it as far as I could.


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To LOVENYC456...

I deleted your duplicate post. Just letting you
know. Guess you made an accidental "double-post".

Thanks for visiting our board and posting a
thread. Keep up the Apple II interest.

Apple II Thread Moderator

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Nope! I got an Apple when I w

Nope! I got an Apple when I was younger but I had to cut grass to pay my friend for it. He gave me a spare one he had from his work. My Mom made me work for him for it though. It was all good. I'm glad that the stuff is cheaper now because I couldn't afford to get it back then when it was new. I was younger then and didn't know much about how computers work so I didn't get the same enjoyment out of it that I do now. I still don't know that much about computers but I am using the old Apple to learn how the guts work so I can do hacks and stuff.

Last seen: 19 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 9
Yeah, I could of got An APPLE

Yeah, I could of got An APPLE II but as I said someone brain washed

me into believeing pc's were the best, BULLSHIT.

oh well I have a BUNCH of APPLE II stuff coming I won on ebay

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Apple II back then ? how much do they go for now

Like many in this forum, i started on the mac, but work took me to the PC a few years ago...I have a appleII with the monitor, drives , software etc. I have not fired it up in 4 years, but I sure it works...Like my 512, lc and 6500, it just sits in a box. can anyone tell me what what these are going for today...I think I want to sell it but have no idea what it is worth....

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Selling your A2


Don't be so quick to dispose of those oldies! First off, they
are great conversation pieces even with those who aren't com-
puter nuts. Second, they are a great way to save info that you
don't want seen by other computers as Apple has its own disk
format. It'a also almost 100% virus-proof! (Has anyone had a
virus attack on their Apple II or Mac512 lately?) There are
still a bunch of good useable software packages around to use
on these old machines for word processing, data bases and
spread sheets. I use my Apple //e to keep my antique toy in-
ventory and databases on. You might use yours for keeping a
journal, keeping a household inventory, or just writing the
occasional casual letter to a friend on.

Just a few thoughts....

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Posts: 267
How much do they go for now?

In regards to that question I would say that the market
for old Apple IIs, Early Macs and the like are fairly
flat right now. There were a lot made and a lot still
around, so scarcity and collectibility are not that good
unless you find a prototype or low serial numbered machine.

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Posts: 2
RE; How much do they go for now?

Well, thanks for the heads up that there is little if any value...guess they all go to the scrap pile thanks

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