Write back .nib image files

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Joined: Nov 4 2004 - 16:38
Posts: 2
Write back .nib image files

Hi All !

I'm currently trying to write .nib (protected) image files back to 5"1/4 disks.

I've read FAQs but unfortunately, don't find any method that works. Here are the facts :
First, I've tried to use convertors such as NIB2DSK.EXE. But the DSK files doesn't work.
Second, I have tried an interresting (but not working) solution : load the .nib file into an emulator, use SST (Saltine's Super Transcopy) to make 2 dsk files from one nib file. Then, I send the 2 dsk files (via ADTGS) to my Apple II GS and finally use SST once again to write the 2 DSK onto 1 disk.

I'm stuck Beee Have you got any clue before I'm going crazy Blum 3
