replica 1 firmware updates

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 249
replica 1 firmware updates

Not that it needed it but I did 2 enhancements to the replica video and keyboard firmware.

On the video firmware it now powers up from the top of the screen (as did the apple 1). This makes the video function completely like the apple 1.

On the keyboard I added a key to clear the screen. This bothered me because I had no way in the past to clear the screen and the apple 1 could if your keyboard had a clear key. So, I adjusted firmware on keyboard and video to clear screen if you press END on a ps/2 keyboard. I also modified the keyboard firmware to allow use of the keypad on the right of a ps/2 keyboard.

If anybody is interested in these firmware mods I can do a free swap out for the cost of shipping or you can purchase the IC's for cost ($10).

As a side note, I will be at the VCF east July 16th and 17th. You can visit for info on the show. If you don't have one, come see the replica in action and feel free to ask any questions.



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Posts: 149
Price Drop

You Forgot to mention the Price drop!!

The fully assembled version dropped $40 to $159, and the kit is now $119

I know I will as soon as i get moved int my new apartment...

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 249
Price drop: Yeah, thanks t

Price drop:

Yeah, thanks to recent IC price drops and some other factors, I've been able to drop the price considerably. I was going to make an announcement soon, I just lowered the price over the weekend Smile

Unfortunately the serial I/O board price is as low as I can drop it.

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 67
Firmware Update

Okay, I installed the new firmware yesterday. Works great! The Replica I reboots to a cleared screen with the cursor at the top of the screen, just like the original Apple I, and the CLEAR SCREEN function works just like my old Apple I (which had a button on the front panel to do the same thing.)

I just realized that we can use the keypad now, too. I'm so used to NOT using it when I'm on the Replica, that I haven't tried it yet.

Thanks, Vince, for the improvements!

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