Do RAM go Bad on a Mac.

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Last seen: 19 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 7 2004 - 21:46
Posts: 13
Do RAM go Bad on a Mac.

Well I have 2 macintosh classic II , they need some work , when i turn it onn i get blocks "black & white" , or jail bars, and one just i think blank but with Jig zags , I looked up some places here and there , they said check the memory, check sockets...but could it be that both Macs have bad memory.??
and where can i buy some .I have no way to test them on the Classic ,because the Classic has no memory sockets like the Mac II.
can you guys help.??
sincerely Matthew

grannysmith's picture
Last seen: 13 years 2 weeks ago
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Posts: 178
RAM for 'Classics'

Classic (68000) has 1MB soldered on the logic board. Expansion needs an expansion card, which also has 1MB soldered, and two SIMM slots that can take 1MB SIMMs, for 4MB max. That's it. Classic II (68030) has 4MB soldered, and two slots taking up to 4MB each, but of the 12MB that allows, 10MB max. can be used by the machine.

1-4MB 30-pin SIMMs appear to be on a down cycle of availability in eBay auctions, but may become commoner again. Set yourself up with a 'Favourites' search, and be e-mailed when something turns up.


Last seen: 19 years 9 months ago
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Clean goo

This is very common. The motherboard needs to be cleaned of the conductive **** oozing out of the cheap capacitors Apple used. Some folks use a dishwasher, others soak in soapy water, others clean with alcohol a spot at a time. No matter what you do, just rinse and dry thoroughly before powering up.

You can also try reseating the memory, you may also have a bad logic board (very common on those older macs). remove and cards that may be installed (modem, ethernet etc) and see what happens.

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Your lucky day...

Today, is your lucky day... So email me... It's your time to play...

Actually, I have some of the coveted 30-pin 4 Megabyte SIMM's you require for your Classic II. I am willing to part with them for a song & a prayer (Read: cheap!). Email me for details. Shipping should be virtually nil.

If you're interested, you know where I can be found. (I just have no place to hide!)

Seriously, if you want a couple of 4MB 30-pin SIMM's, I'm your man...

You can reach me at: or

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These are classic (pun) signs of a dead or flat PRAM battery. Try with a fresh one, or a sutable voltage substitute made out of new Alkalines.

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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Posts: 37
It sounds like the monitor do

It sounds like the monitor doesn't work (or is getting there). I have seen some pics of old macs on eBay and some of them have zigzags and lines. I think the monitor is dead or the board.

aladds's picture
Last seen: 2 months 6 days ago
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If it's displaying a piture, the monitor is ok. What is being described sounds like "samasimac." The easy fix is to dismantle the mac, remove the ROM, clean it's connectors then put it back in and try to boot it. It *should* now work.

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