Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7

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Reverend Darkness's picture
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Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7

So, I watched Johnny Mnemonic the other day, which got me thinkin about the Sprawl series, which made me think of the Ono-Sendai Cyberspace 7 deck. Now I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to do the Exabit wetware connection mod (yet) but was thinking about how small my Duo is, and how I need to re-read the descriptions of the decks used in the Sprawl series in order to get the case right. The case mod itself will probably be the easy part. The hard part will be the display.

Cyberdecks connected neurally. I was thinking that since I probly don't want to stick a wire in my brain just yet, that I would see what kind of HUD mod I could do. So the question becomes, where the heck to I find info on heads up displays? I've googled, and found a few companies that manufacture but don't sell, and other pages that talk about wearables, but don't have any progress. Anyone have an idea?

performaman's picture
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g3head has some stuff in the Hacks section of his site (http://www.g3head.tk/) about a heads-up display.
Sounds cool.

Jon's picture
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If you want to go for a futur

If you want to go for a futuristic version of what Gibson describes, I'd suggest taking a look at the 8-bit machines fo the late '70s and early '80s. Atari, TRS-80, Commodore, etc. Halloween party of '94 a friend went as Case. He took his Amiga 500, a spare serial cord and proceeded to make his deck. Some tape stuck to his temple, a sore arm by the end of the night, and he had a neural interface deck.

Myself, I always pictured them as some sort of varient of the 99/4a or a C-64.

Sleet01's picture
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The new PSTwo is just the right look, I think...

It's slim, it's black, it's got almost nothing breaking the surface... the only thing better would be a jet-black magnesium rectangle with just a single cable carrying all USB and video data out.

As for HUDs, I guess Mitsubishi is developing a wearable 1Kx768 display to sell at ~$400 starting next year. As of right now, it looks like an iPod version of a standard general aviation headset, but it might get smaller. See it here:http://www.physorg.com/news1588.html

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
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Mitsubishi HUD

I saw that the other day... pretty impressive. I think it'll help usher in the "wearables", and would definately make for good gargoyle gear.

Sorry to mix cyberpunk universes. I recently re-read Snow Crash.

g3head's picture
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Re: The new PSTwo is just the right look, I think...

As for HUDs, I guess Mitsubishi is developing a wearable 1Kx768 display to sell at ~$400 starting next year.

Where'd you find those specs? If they're true (which I doubt) it would be a higher resolution than most of the existing displays and more than half the price.

Jon's picture
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If you reread Snow Crash, the

If you reread Snow Crash, then Stephenson's description would be easier to implement. Optional holographic 3D interfacce or "old school" 2D flatland, ie. what Hiro used out on the ocean to save on battery power,

Sleet01's picture
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I think that's why they're *developing* it, to be honest...

The price is from the link I provided. The resolution, I don't remember. Like I said, this is what I heard. It could be 640x480 and it would still be better resolution than most of the currently available systems.

Of course, for the ultimate Neal Stephenson deck, you just need to get ahold of one of Microvision's proposed Virtual Retinal Displays (www.mvis.com) and duct-tape it to the top of your PSTwo Smile

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