I've got a Beige G3, that I have recently upgraded the HDD in from the stock 4GB, up to a 20GB, and there is a minor CPU upgrade planned (233Mhz to 300Mhz)as soon as the other CPU shows up.
Over the course of these modifications I have decided my little DT beige G3 would be greatly more expandable if swapped to a tower case, as I could then take adavantage of all four ATA connections, and some SCSI, which as it stands now is difficult to say the least.
I'm wondering if anyone has done a case swap from a DT beige G3 to a normal ATX case, or a Macintosh tower case, and if so how difficult was it? were there any special modifications that needed to be performed, or was it just a simple swap?
Check this:http://www.xlr8yourmac.com/systems/MacinPC_ATX_case/BeigeG3inATXcase.html.
Doesn't have any illustrations though.