Hey All
i've been searching the web all day for this and no luck yet...perhaps someone around here might know this...im looking for a take apart manual for the new bluetooth keyboard. i just finished modding my Pro Mouse with a fresh new paint job and matching blue led. I wanted to match the 2 now and paint the keyboard and add some neon perhaps, only problem i run into with the neon is a power source...and i don't want be going threw batteries like pc errors (every day). anyone perhaps know a board that i could make that might up the power so the batteries aren't worked so hard, i figure i did such a good job soldering the led off then back on to the board I'm sure i could make my own board if it was a simple job.
Any advice would be wonderful
thanks guys...and gals
p.s. picture will come soon of the matching airport, and mouse will be posted in a couple days...and perhaps keyboard too with a little assistance
You can break the laws of man, but you can't break the laws of physics.
Electrial energy just like all other forms of energy is conservered. Meaning you can't make a board to magicly make more electricy. There are a few things you can do though.
Bigger battery, ot more effecient circuit, or you could go with a lower outout light that would use less energy. But that is about it.
what about a small circuit board with a coil or something to pick up on a small power source and up the voltage to something that is going to be running a high current...cause im sure that 4 aa batteries is not going to do the trick very well and will probably kill them within hours. id use another power source but i want to keep the keyboard wireless
anyone know any schematics that could do this ???
The only dc power inverters I've seen for el wire are 12 volt. You might be able to run it off a 9 volt battery, don't know. The voltage that el wire runs at is pretty high, if you touch the bare wire you will know it! I've never tried looking up the keyboard, not sure if there is a take apart for it. As far as I know there are no field serviceable parts inside so there probably isn't one.
Yep just looked, there are no manuals for this keyboard.
yah i didnt think there would be any easy manuals..it does look like much tho...a couple torch's and the back comes right off, i've ventured into playing with it l8tly..but just not takin it to far
as far as the power would soemthing like this work for me http://phaedo.cx/archives/2003/04/06/boost_voltage_regulator.html ??
Nope. EL runs off AC voltage, not DC. That's why they can make your speakers whine if you get the inverter too close. 50-130VAC at 50-5000Hz. I haven't tried it yet but you could probably wire it to an extension cord and run it of house hold current. Unless you live in Europe,
Check this out!! http://www.elwirecheap.com/noname10.html
HA....thats is perfect...strip id down to to just the circuit board and plop er in sweet...no wi just gotta find me one of these things
this one here actually looks like it might work a lil better http://www.elwirecheap.com/rckits.html do you think the AA's or the 9v would last longer ?
thanks barry..
await pics..the first ever glowing bluetooth keyboard..hhaha
9volt will probably last longer. I'd use rechargeables. Not sure if you will be able to stuff everything inside the keyboard. I'd just sand the inverter smooth and paint it white to match the keyboard and glue it in place.