DuoDock AIO concept

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Reverend Darkness's picture
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DuoDock AIO concept

What I have: An extra Duo 2300c, access to a DuoDock and a DuoDock II.

What I want: Merge the Duo with the Dock so that I have an all-in-one-Dock-with-built-in-keyboard-and-trackpad-and-LCD thing. Oh, and I wanted to stick a CD drive in the dock, too.

So, the real question is: I've searched through the archives of the old forums, and there was the info on how to get the Duo's LCD to work while it is Docked, but there was mention that disabling the Dec.ROM would also disable SCSI. Does this mean the external SCSI port on the Dock, or the SCSI port inside (that I hope to use for the CD), or both?

BTW, the DuoDock has a NuBus NIC, so I can use either the Dock or the Dock II...

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Dunno for sure . . .

. . . but from the looks block diagrams there shouldn't any problem with the combo IC on board, the docks have their own for SCSI and serial ports. The internal modem works while docked as do the SCSI HDDs of all the other Duos. If you're not pulling the 2300c in and out of the dock, which seems likely according to your stated plan, you ought to be able to use the on-board serial port too!

. . .jumper that while you're snaking an ugly SCSI adaptation from the 2300 MLB to your CD. :ebc:

Check my PB100cPPC thread for some AIO Dock piccies and links to older threads, IIRC.

You'll need the NIC for either dock, AFAIK. I like the Dock I for this application, but if you can figure out how to remove and replace the actual (crazy ZIF socket of some kind, I borked one of mine during removal) ROM IC of the Dock II, no other modification of the Dock II's Logic Board would be required for docked LCD activation.

jt Wink

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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So what your saying is...

... that it'll work? Even if the CD hack will be a little... how you say... interesting?

Oh, and why would I want to "replace" the Dec.ROM?

BTW, here's more description... I plan to take the trackpad and keyboard from the Duo and mount it in the Dock's case top. There should be just enough room for them to reach up that extra inch or so. Then, the LCD will be mounted at a 45 degree angle to the case top, and voila, DuoDockAIO.

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Why dispense with the Duo's bits?

. . . just trim down the divider so you can tilt the displsy back a reasonable amount.

I made up a gallery of the PB100cPPC pics:

You might want to use dock services st some pont,


Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Wow... that was easy...

That Dec.Rom just had a lil plastic clip holding it on! I now have a perfectly working Duo/Dock hybrid using the Duo's screen.

So, did you trim your divider to allow more tiltage? If so, what did you use?

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Dunno . . .

. . . I trimmed the one in the BabyPB album, but only so I could install the Dock MLB and bare Duo MLB as a unit by placing them straight down onto standoffs. The 230 LCD is thinner and allows more tiltage than the 2300c's right off the bat. It's buttoned up ATM so I can't look.

boilerplate from the barracks:

HEH! I found a piccie to share with you, meet two of the toothsome triplets, my good friends Dozuki and the dreaded Ryoba is the nasty lookin' one on the right:

Dozuki and Ryoba giving short shrift to a LaserWriter IIg's plastic paper feed assembly frame . . .

the cuts for the new flattop 'doo met up with less than a sixteenth of an inch error in the center when those two got done.

Dremel THAT! :ebc:

It's "DeclROM" as in Declaration ROM, BTW. It's exactly the same deal as the ROM in the NuBus spec and for Apple's 030 PDS spec. The Docks are handled as multifunction PDS cards, unless they are simply a standard ROM supported I/O device like the FDD controller . . .

. . . and with any luck at all . . . T-REX! :ebc:

jt Wink

LTong's picture
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A little clarification please.

I got into this thread a little late, so I'm a bit confused. Could someone give me a simple explanation of what I have to do to get my duos screen/kb/trackball to work while in the dock?

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 8 years 11 months ago
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Remove the DeclROM ( Blum 3 jt )

Last seen: 17 years 6 months ago
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Which Dock?

If it's the Dock I, you'll need to desolder the power leg of the ROM IC, otherwise, the rev can explain how to remove the . . .

jt Acute

edit: check out this thread for summarization and linkage:

jasoco's thread

LTong's picture
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Pin Diagram?

Okay, so I've got a spare duo dock 1. I need to disable the "configuration ROM" right? Does anyone have a pic or diagram of which pin to clip?

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I need to . . .

. . . search out all the freakin' DeclROM/DuoDock/LCD threads and write up a howto with linkage for the FAQ.

. . . Bleh! Sounds like work . . . Beee

*scampers over to the MakitaHackLab® and dumps the monstrosity lurking within ont . . . * :ebc:

There's a semicircular divit at the "top" of the IC. It should be oriented toward the backplane of the Dock. You want to clip the TOP RIGHT pin. It's closest to the J18/motor header (two pins/keyed white plastic thigamajigger) . . .

Clip the IC leg VERY close to the mobo, bend it up away from the pad, solder one wire to the IC leg and another to the thruhole that's conveniently located right next to the voltage pad. I terminated my wires with a two pin header and use a shorting block to re-enable Dock services. A switch would be more elegant, but a header is easy to eyeball its state.

I'm glad I stopped back in for a bit, lemme know how it goes!

Happy LCD hacking!
jt Dirol

eeun's picture
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Spare Duo?

Hey, Rev, is this the same Duo you're a-hackin' as you have up for sale?

...and another thing...those Duos take nimh batteries, right?


LTong's picture
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Thruhole? Voltage Pad?Is

Thruhole? Voltage Pad?

Is the soldering and wire absolutely necessary to complete the hack. Or is it simply needed to "restore" original function to the dock?

Edit: I think I understand now. The wire and jumper is just a method of re-connecting everything. Wish me luck. (now where are my wire snippers?)

LTong's picture
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Well, there's good news, and there's bad news.
The good news: I've got a working duo/duo-dock hybrid.
The bad news: My config ROM took a major dump. (I'm holding it in my hand)
For some reason, clipping the one TOP RIGHT didn't work for me. Though I'm sure it was completely my fault. My wire clippers aren't quite surgical quality. So plan be led me to just hack off the whole IC, and Viola, it works. The first boot gave me chimes of death, the second try booted fine.

An idea is born: A DuoDock Coffee Table. More to come.

Reverend Darkness's picture
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Nope... still for sale...

For the moment... the hack that I'm working on is still in the planning stages. I was gonna give it 'till the end of the month (May), and if I hadn't sold the Duo, I was gonna hack the hell out of it.

Why do you ask? Interested? Wink

eeun's picture
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silly question

Some quick googling didn't tell me jack about this: are the duo internal drves scsi or ide? And does that vary between duo models?

(never start a sentence with 'and'):-X

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(Docks) are SCSI only . . .

. . . on all models, but it will be non-functional in an AIO/LCD Dock.

. . . hrmmmm . . . :? . . . mebbe try adapting a MiniDock ROM?

jt :ebc:

edit: OOPS! I misread "Duo" as "Dock" in your Q, RD's response is your A, e! Wink

Reverend Darkness's picture
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Depends on the model

The 2300c uses IDE or SCSI, most of the other models use SCSI...

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DeclROM Hack Documented . . .

. . . the piccies are added as details at the tail end of the BabyPB->PPC upgrade album. That's what it's part of now and the LCD Dock I shall remain so for the forseeable future.


Is this the same IC leg you clipped first? If so, I don't understand why the simple mod didn't work for you. Does your Dock's logic board look exactly like mine?

jt :?

p.s. your coffee table Dock idea sounds promising! Wink

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2300 Oddities

The 2300 LB is an odd one. It has both IDE and SCSI connectors, and has the connectors for two different displays, and I think it also has some other bizarr-o thing going on. reason: The 2300 LB was an upgrade path for all duos, so all the various periphery had to be able to plug into the LB to work.

meh, most of y'all probally know this, but I thought I'd throw it out there.


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