FS - A few items from my Apple Collection

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Joined: May 8 2005 - 06:57
Posts: 118
FS - A few items from my Apple Collection

Hey everyone,

I'm looking to clear out a little room from my basement slowly so here is a small list of things I'm letting go of.
Preferred is local pickup in NYC (Queens/Flushing) but willing to ship via USPS/Priority Mail.
Other carriers are possible too.


Apple IIc Model 4000 - I believe this works the last time I powered it up with a test adapter. It boots but I'm not too sure aobut the floppy drive. Thre is at least one key cap missing and the color is yellowed.

Apple IIc Model 4100 - This is definitely working, booted up off a DOS 3.3 floppy from my Apple IIe fine. Havent' booted it up in the last year since I did that.

Both have good video signal.

I have an external Floppy Drive for it (might have two)
I have ONE original Power Adapter Brick so the first high offer I get will get it.

Make an offer.

Apple IIe
- Original Box
- Original Paper Work and should include Purchase Receipt too.
- Original Manuals
Apple Monitor Green
Apple Monitor III Green
Not sure if I have ALL of them but it should be everything I was given when I got it from the original owner.
It comes with 64k, Disk II controller and Drive (box for drive), an additional Rana Drive with Box (most of the cellophane wrapping too) another additional card or two (serial/printer maybe)

Make an offer.

iMac DV+ (450mHz) Blue with DVD reader
iBook Lime with Puck Power Adapter

I don't log in often so contact me via sonnyhung at gmail dot com