here is a wierd one guys...i have a recently purchased g3 all-in-one (that i am going to mod but that is another story) anyway...
i can adjust the geometery in os 9 and the changes will hold. when i boot into a fresh install of os x.2.8 the geometry goes all strange. boot into 9 from a cd and it looks it is obviously not the display...also there is no way to change the geometry from within os x.
any thing you guys can suggest as my g3 all in one experience is limited and i have never seen this problem on any machine before.
go into system preferences in osx, click on displays, then the geometry tab. and there you go
not to be a smart aleck (because i appreciate the help) but from my original post "also there is no way to change the geometry from within os x."
meaning i go into the displays and there is no geometry tab....
which is strange.
I think you are going to have to be specific about "geometry" and what exactly you're seeing, since monitor geometry is purely a hardware issue (AFAIK). I am wondering if what you mean is resolution.
He means he is unable to control the shape of the picture on the screen, as the controls that should be in the monitors control panel are missing.
All in ones use software controls.
iMac266 (Strawberry), G3 1400 and the G3 IIsi. I want a Tortoise...
very much. you explained the obvious for me....which apparantly i wasn't clear about in my inital post.
so here is where i am as of last night. new pram battery, did a CUDA reset, did a logic board reset, installed 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2. still no geometry controls in the sys prefs and still the geometry is screwed on 10 (meaning there is a black bar around the screen and pincushion appears slightly off) but when i boot into 9 from a cd it appears fine (which eliminates hardware since it is from a cd)
which is what makes the whole thing weird.
did you do a completely clean reinstall of osx from a factory cd? try that if you didnt
yes i did. from 10.2.3 cds. and did an update to 10.2.8 from apples servers..
Was any sort of resolution reached with this problem? I need to fix my G3 AIO's geometry as well, but I can't even change it in -OS 9- for some reason o.O let alone OS X. I open up the Monitors control panel and there isnt even a geometry option. I tried to find a copy of the "Monitofs & Sound" control panel from the Mac this G3 is replacing, but since I installed 9.1 on this machine as well, M&S was nowhere to be found. I don't have a 7.6.1 or 8.x machine setup anywhere; and when I went to try and install the M&S control panel by itself from my OS 8 CD, it couldn't recognize the HFS+ disk format so it wouldn't let me install -.-;;
The geometry is REALLY off on my AIO, are there no PHYSICAL controls on the analog board at ALL? i've got my non conductive twiddle-stick ready to go, but I don't want to bother taking the time to crack open my case if there aren't any controls.
no. i was able to use the service utility to adjust the geo in 9. but have not been able to solve it for X.
AFAIK there is not any sort of controls on the analog board to adjust.
...weak. *hangs head*
I know this thread is beginning to drag on, but I too just got an AIO, sure is an odd computer! I put a newly formatted smallish ATA hard drive in it, one stick of ram 256, no PCI cards, and used XPostFacto to install Panther-which worked fine with the onboard video. The geometry of the display is fine-but the contrast and brightness were too dark-with no apparent way to adjust it!
So, I thought I'd calibrate the display-using the Calibration tool, one of the screens has you adjust brightness and contrast-and I could do it from there! So, there is indeed a way to control these with software, but it's kind of a paain to do so.
Don't know if this helps, but I found this workaround for at least the brightness and contrast.
I didn't think the AIO required Xpostfacto to install OSX? I Installed OSX without it just fine. Ahh I see, Um, sorry "Panther" I installed Jaguar... OOPS So I see it is possible....
Nice to know... Any speed benefits over Jaguar?
AFAIK there are no "geometry" controls for the AIO in OSX... and no support for the AV ports, nor will there ever be. This is quoted from my call to Apple... $$$ down the drain...
Moral: don't ask stupid questions of Apple when you are paying for it, but they did help me with my QS...
Speed-wise, Panther is worse than Jaguar on Beiges/AIOs. This is directly attributable to the fact that XPostFacto hasn't got the cache working reliably yet (at least not on my G4 upgrade). Hopefully this will be fixed at some point...
To fix these problems you need "Display Adjustment Utility 4.1". An os9 app. I've had 15 AIO's and this solves a lot of headaches with OS X in a G3 AIO