iBook Dual USB AC adapter tips?

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Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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iBook Dual USB AC adapter tips?

Anyone got a replacement AC adapter to recommend? My original is starting to get flaky and I don't have the heart to plunk down nearly $80 for one from Apple. I've seen some going for half that much but I'd like some opinions from others who may have used non-Apple AC bricks on an iBook/PowerBook. A new one would be paired with my old 600MHz chiclet.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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I've never owned a Madsonline AC adapter myself, but I've heard nothing but good things from folks who have. List price is a wash relative to the Apple adapter, but I'd bet you can find a nice discount if you shop a bit.

dan k

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 2804
Gotta love the post-Christmas

Gotta love the post-Christmas clearance sales at MicroCenter. I just picked up a Macally PS-AC4 in the returns/clearance section for $27.96. I was glad to find one cheap, and not have to pay shipping on it too. I'll surely miss the LED indicator of the OEM jack, but as long as it is functional I'll live. The cord to the iBook is much thicker than on the Apple Portable Power Adapter, as that's where it was being strained.

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Posts: 1899
patience pays, once again

See, just wait and whatever you want will come to you. Nice find.

Since the topic is still somewhat alive, I figured to mention a couple of things:
Airline adapters are a good source for cords/plugs. These are a cord with the PowerBook plug on one end and an Empower airline connector on the other. I've been able to pick 'em up real cheap, makes a good replacement cord for the crappy Apple original (chopping off the Empower part of course.) No charge light on 'em either, but for the $10 or less they've cost me complain I don't.

Toughest problem appeared to be popping open the AC adapter case but not so. With the white jobbies I used a pair of snap ring pliers to pop the case halves apart. These pliers are pivoted the opposite of regular pliers, squeezing the handles spreads the tips rather than closing them. Tips on the pair I have are broad, maybe a cm or so in width.

Anyway, first I took a soft mallet and whacked all around the case at the seam to crack the cement in there. Then I put the tool tips inside the space where the little flip-out cord winder things go and spread the sucker 'til it popped right apart. Worked pretty darn good, not perfectly even but much better than using a screwdriver or similar to pry it open. After repair for glue up I used my fave Ambroid ProWeld, solvent-type plastic welder, just needs a tiny bit to avoid excess that inevitably mars the exterior after my usual sloppy application.

that is all.

dan k

Jon's picture
Last seen: 13 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 2804
Hey, that sounds like a decen

Hey, that sounds like a decent fix. So, I'm assuming that there's just two wires from the AC adapter to the power plug, and that the machine itself controls the LEDs with the extra two pins of the power plug? If so it may be feasible to right up and pass through with the lights on it, or hardwire some into the case somewhere.

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