Where do I find OS9 Freeware/shareware anymore?

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Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 143
Where do I find OS9 Freeware/shareware anymore?

Not sure this belongs in this forum but there isn't an older OS forum here (maybe there should be?):

Where do I find OS9 Freeware/shareware/commercial software anymore? I am still using OS9.1 on my old PowerBook 3400 and having a hard time finding any software on the net. Does anyone have a collection of it somewhere on the web? I have searched for several days.

I am especially looking for drive recovery software as I lost a partition and some data stored there and I would like to recover it without having to plug the drive into an OS X machine to do it. I have tried Tech Tool Pro, Norton and some other ones and they find nothing.

I found Data Rescue II:
and it seems to have rave reviews but it costs $100! More than any OS 9 machine is worth! Anyone have a used copy they want to sell? eBay has very little OS 9 software anymore.

I had a similar hard drive partition crash on my old 333MHz PC and was able to recover the data with a great little piece of software called Test Disk:
which is available for many OSs, including OS X but, alas, not OS9.

Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago
Joined: Oct 28 2006 - 01:26
Posts: 51
www.pure-mac.com has some gr

www.pure-mac.com has some great programs on there. They're slowly phasing out Classic but there is still a lot on there

unknown1's picture
Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 143
Some OS 9 Resources

Since I got my Pismo working and don't have OS X installed yet I have been searching the web for sources of OS 9 software and thought I would post some links here.

WaMCom, the Web and Mail Communicator
Better Browser than iCab with a lot of add-ons available.

This post really got me started on WaMCom

MozMonkey extensions by Jeremy Gillick Extensions Manager and Extensions Uninstaller API found here are necessary to properly manage extensions in WaMCom as shown in the Mac-Forums post above.

The Embracing Obsolescence Page on LowEndMac has a lot of good OS 9 info.

OS9.net the site for the dinOSaurs of us

A Search for OS 9 Software at download.com

Mac GUI City - Downloads

A few OS 9 things at Version Tracker A lot of dead links though.

Multi-protocol search and download tool (Bit-Torrent Client)

TuCows has some OS 9 stuff

My other hangout Mac-Forums.com OS 9 section

PluginDoc: MacOS 9.x - Mozilla

There are others, I hope to collect them and archive the software (as abandonware?) and someday offer it on my 'Rusted-Mac' page, which will be updated as soon as I can figure out how to semi-automate updates using CSS and PageSpinner . Once you get about twenty pages on a website it gets really tedious to keep it up to date. That and the fact that I have had to use a PC with FrontPage Express for the last 2 1/2 years!

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Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: Jun 2 2006 - 22:09
Posts: 18
One additional source of pre-

One additional source of pre-OS X software is http://www.macorchard.com/classic/


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