Hi there
I apologize for the newbie- ness sof this questions, I am a beginner
I have a 1.25 ghz 17" mac g4 and was considering buying a 15" macbook pro...
I am having a fantasy that I could somehow wire up the imac to act as a slave monitor for the macbook pro when I am at home.
Has anyone been able to do this?
Although I am a beginnner, I have friends who arent , so if anyone has been able to figure this out please let me know.
I saw where one can download the screen spanning software, but how do I get signal out of the macbook pro and into the Imac?
any ideas?
best - kate
using 17" Imac g4 as external slave monitor for macbook pro?
November 18, 2007 - 12:20pm
using 17" Imac g4 as external slave monitor for macbook pro?
There's a program called Screen Recycler that might do what you want.
...haven't tried it myself, just passing along the link.
back when this thing was in beta, and free, I had a chance to test it. It's pretty nice, just a stripped down VNC server, no reason to charge people $25 for it when you can get full VNC servers for free. Just get one of those, run it on the MBP, and access the MBP with a client on the iMac G4. Simple as that.
But you can't do the monitor spanning with a plain-jane VNC, can you?