Apple II Europlus B/W Problem

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Apple II Europlus B/W Problem

I am newbie to Apple II computers.
I have some knowledge from other 8 bit machines but not from Apples.

Recently I bought an Apple II Europlus with the following cards installed:

a. a Z80 Card (with a microsoft cpm system disk, that works in 80 column mode as B/W in my monitor - 1084 -)
b. a floppy controller with both floppies connected to it (1 & 2)
c. a language card
d. an 80 Column card that imports the signal from the composite out RCA cable (of the Apple) and exports it to the 1084 monitor (probably to enable the 80 column mode).

The package had also some disks (one is DOS 3.3) and some books. I read how to plot a red or a blue square into the middle of the screen, but the only color I see is the "White". I tried to connect the composite cable direct to the monitor, but the result is the same. Also, I booted the disk MS-PACMAN and it started also in B/W.

I read on Apple's manual that I need a modification to see colors ?? Is it true ??
If yes, what other solutions do I have to see colors but to avoid solderings ??

Thank you very much and congratulations for your posts.
I am learnining a lot of things for this special line of Apple's computers.

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Your monitor

Your monitor might be black and white. That could be the problem. And are you connecting the composite video to the monitor from the standard composite video port or one from a card?

Last seen: 4 years 11 months ago
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Posts: 5
Thank you for your response,

Thank you for your response, my monitor is the Commodore 1084 so it has colors, as I am watching tv through the composite-in port (from my video).

With or without the 80 column card in slot, I have not colors. I also have contructed a video-out cable from the internal video motherboard port (4 pins), which is still B/W !!!

Reading many articles in internet, I am not sure to say that Apple II Europlus has PAL video-out by default or it needs a modification.

Is it possible to have an NTSC Europlus ?

themike's picture
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Shouldn't be NTSC

Your Europlus should be PAL, AFAIK they all were.

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I have downloaded (from Asimo

I have downloaded (from Asimov) diagnostics ii+ that reports that everything is ok with my apple. This program tests colors (I see the 16 colors in 16 greys), does memory tests, floppy disk tests etc... It also suggests the pushing of the chips, to ensure that all the connections are ok...etc

Now, MS Pacman boots in B/W mode, contrast and brightness are ok, sound is great. Also CPM starts in 80 columns in B/W, no possibility for colors there too!

Is it possible to have a defect chip ? I had an Amiga in the past (with a scandoubler that converts the 15KHz RGA to 31Khz VGA) that due to the high temperatures inside the case, someday started to display everything in green and red color!! Solders checked and were ok, but the blue gone forever from the Amiga Workbench Smile

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I have a commodore monitor too.

I have a commodore 64 1701 monitor I use for my Apple IIe. Whenever I use the back ports for video, it always displays Black & White. Whenever I use the front, it displays color.

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Is the monitor you are using

Is the monitor you are using PAL or NTSC? If its the wrong one, it could be why you are getting B+W and not color.

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B&W = expected behavior?

According to Wikipedia the PAL Europlus requires an accessory video card to display color. That's not surprising, because it's much "simpler" to generate color displays for NTSC then PAL.

The faq also mentions a PAL color card. So the easy answer is you're getting exactly what you're supposed to.


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I have searched a lot about t

I have searched a lot about this accessory video card. I have found nothing ...

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Last seen: 1 month 22 hours ago
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Found it!

I have searched a lot about this accessory video card. I have found nothing ...

There are oblique references to it, mostly along the lines of "The European Apple IIe has the equivalent of the Europlus PAL color card integrated on the motherboard so it can display color without using a slot", but... aha!

There. You need the thing in the fifth picture to get color. ;^)

The other alternative would be to convert your machine to NTSC and use a multistandard TV or monitor. It might be easier to just find a European IIe and move your peripherals to it, however.


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Ok, I saw it. This explains a

Ok, I saw it. This explains all my of my research. Where could I find a card like that ? Smile

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