fourth gen iPod logic board

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Joined: Oct 9 2004 - 08:26
Posts: 92
fourth gen iPod logic board

i am looking for the logic board out of a 4th gen ipod. the ones right before they came out with color.
somehow the dock connector bent a pin and when i took it apart i found that all of the solder joints on the hard disc connecrot had come loose (that also happs to explain alot of other problems btw)
right now i am watching o couple on ebay, but they seem to be in the 30 dollar range.
don't get me wrong, i have no problem paying that much for one, as i see the price to be a very viable alternative to a new iPod.

if anyone has one.... or a busted up ipod that there willing to part with, please email me or contact me here. you don't have to worry about taking it apart, i can handle that. and i am more when willing to work on a fair price for the other parts too, if you just have a broken iPod.

i am in upstate ny, but seeing how this is pretty small, i don't forsee shipping being a problem.
i also have some older mac stuff if someone is interested in some sort of trade.

my email is

thank you
