Seeking Apple IIe OS Disks/Manuals

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: May 11 2007 - 14:21
Posts: 4
Seeking Apple IIe OS Disks/Manuals

Hey guys,

I just recently grabbed an Apple ][e Platinum on eBay for a a relatively good price. Unfortunately I don't believe it comes with any OS disks or manuals, which is of course a slight problem as I can barely run my Apple ][gs as it is :P.

Would anyone be willing to make a copy of the OS disks I need to get this thing up and running? If not, I'm not against getting disk images and trying to make use of them through my ][gs to make the necessary copies.

The same applies to the manuals, any copies would be awesome but I would definitely be ok with electronic copies that I can reference as I use my new machine.

Following that I was wondering if anyone could recommend online resources for programming and other fun uses of the ][e so I can have some fun :]

I hope you guys can help me out here Biggrin


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Last seen: 6 hours 42 min ago
Joined: Feb 18 2007 - 11:46
Posts: 335
Apple IIe disks and manuals


If you can transfer Apple II disks between your PC, or Mac, and your IIGS you're probably better off just transferring the disk images and making them usuable 5.25 disks that way.

As to the manuals for the IIe here's a link to PDF files:

Just click on the Apple IIe link on the left side of the page.


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