Is this the future with Apple?

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Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Is this the future with Apple?

Mac sighting! Is this the world of the future where Apple reins supreme and all this becomes possible?:

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Sorry, I forgot to make it a link:

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Dunno, it crashes my browser.

Dunno, it crashes my browser.

BDub's picture
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Re: Dunno, it crashes my browser.

Dunno, it crashes my browser.

Here's a direct link to it on the video site that's hosting it:

And here's a direct quicktime download link:;download/

I found the clip fairly amusing, but it doesn't really have anything to do with Apple other than a character using a Powerbook.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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See it as a metaphor

Thanks for making those links BDub.

It's not a belly laugher, and it's not specifically about Apple, but it's very well done. I thought it makes a great metaphor for the concept of making your own consumer, something that Apple has become very successful at, maybe more than anyone, especially with the recent OS's and the iPod. It does seem to linger a moment on the Apple logo, and watch the way the camera falls back through a doorway with the Powerbook in the center, dominating the shot.

The Apple logo went through a very interesting transformation with OS X. No longer the multicolored apple and the happy mac, it became shades of gray and black--which are, as any good Nazi or Darth Vader will tell you, the colors of power. And the only other image is the mechanical sprocket--pure non-human mechanism--which replaced the colorful parade of extensions. I suppose most of us here at Applefritter look on the Apple logo with affection, but it can equally be looked on as a symbol with a kindof Big Brother quality.

So I don't know how easily you can say it doesn't really have anything to do with Apple. I mean, has anyone checked to see if Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are members of the Bohemian Grove group? Wink

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Oh Brave New World

For anyone not familiar with the Bohemian Grove hubbub, here's Alex Jones' video:

It's unnecessarily long, so you can get the idea by forwarding to the last quarter of the video. I don't see anything going on there being much more than something like a bunch of nerdy Masons doing a campy version of Macbeth. But certainly, according to this point of view, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs would surely, necessarily, be part of this group (or manufactured by the group?).

More compelling to me are Jones' New World Order conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and global terrorism (it's very long too--almost 2 hours--but not unnecessarily):

Anyway, as I've heard one version of the theory argued, the global elite are nefariously planning for a world population of only around 500 million--most of whom will be serving the needs of the elite. And if they could manufacture much of that population--well, all the better, yes? Maybe those Stepford Wives will have a little bitten apple tattoo somewhere? Coming soon: the iWife, the iHusband--the iMate. But first, let us introduce you to the iPod. One for everyone.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Loose Change

It wasn't my intention when I created this thread to make it about conspiracy theories, but now that the idea has evolved in my mind that the people in the "High Maintenance" video are the "conspirators" version of the citizens of the future and has gotten me listening to the theories, it's become rather fascinating to see what the conspiracy theories are all about, so I share them here since the Fritter gang is an intelligent bunch who might find these fascinating too, or at least entertaining--if anyone's got the time for them--may even give some an epiphany. Anyway, I just found this--they claim it's the most watched movie on the web, and it's about the strange and troubling details surrounding 9/11:

I personally sit for long stretches at a desk with the computer on in front of me working on an artform/craft that I sell, so I've got time to listen to all kinds of stuff.

The problem with conspiracy theories is, if they're true, then why are there any conspiracy theories? Why are there any videos to watch about them? Why haven't they gone the way of the successful nuclear fusion invention and the successful salt water powered automobile engine? Is the answer that they know too well that we are our own worst enemy--that we'll turn the switch on the backs of necks off ourselves--that no one needs to be hired to do it--and that no one will dare to believe, nor act on that belief, except a couple of "kooks"? As long as the kooks are out there saying it, the problem is solved.

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
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Should be watched

Well, I finally watched the "LooseChange" movie today that I linked to above. I downloaded it when I mentioned it here three months ago and it's been sitting on my harddrive unwatched all that time. It's well worth watching. Actually, I would say, everyone with an open mind SHOULD watch this film. The questions raised are too profound. Such as, how did two jetliners completely incinerate ( Shanksville and the Pentagon), including their engines and most of their nearly indestructable cockpit recorders, especially considering those two incidents are the only known cases of jetliners completely incinerating beyond a trace; and then also, similarly, the twin towers being the only steel skyscrapers that have ever collapsed because of fire (although, there was a PBS Nova program I watched that explained it, seemingly well). Lots more questions like these are brought up in this free movie which is well made.

The question that always come to my mind hearing all these conspiracies is, since all these nefarious acts would have had to have been conducted by a lot of perpetrators and accomplices, what possible incentive could someone offer to all those people to keep the secret and to defeat any inkling of conscience in all those participants? What kind of cabal could include so many criminal specialists? I suppose the theorists would suggest that loose cannons in the cabal could be threatened with a gruesome death of themselves or loved ones, or that the naive specialists were all simply murdered after performing whatever services were required of them. After all, anyone who would willingly murder thousands on 9/11 wouldn't have any compunction against murdering a few hundred more.

Anyway, the best way to watch it is to download it. The streaming versions on Google and Stage6 are blurry and problem prone. You can download it at the Stage6 site as a crystal-clear 920mb (so you'll need broadband) .divx file here:

You have to become a member before you can download it--which is free and easy to do. After becoming a member, click on the "add to library" button below the movie window to download it.

The "High Maintenance" film short that I originally created this thread about is no longer available at any of the links provided above--and doesn't seem to be available anywhere in full online--but you can view the trailer here:

High Maintenance trailer

which has enough in it to give you the gist of the story and has all the central images.

So the question to put forth is, does anyone here believe that 9/11 was fully an inside job, or do you all buy the official version--the version which has led us to battling away in Afghanistan, Iraq, around the world, and on the homefront? And battling for our own civil rights, as well.

Eudimorphodon's picture
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It was definitely aliens. Aliens in funny hats. Other then the hats they look just like everyone else. The whole 9/11 thing was conceived during a three hour drum solo at a Grateful Dead concert. In retrospect even they don't know why they did it, but it seemed a really great idea at the time. ("Dude, the explosions will be *awesome*. And just think of all the brains we'll get to eat!")

Not much of a theory, I know, but it's a lot more believable then the whole bloody thing being an "inside job", sorry. Occam's Razor is on the side of the terrorists.

Here's a nice educational review of the points which this "Loose Change" movie bases its whole premise on. Notice all the slugs? This is a review *by people who believe there is some sort of conspiracy*, who are ripping it apart because it contains so many obviously disprovable points they find it embarrassing.

Anyway, sorry, terrorists crashed those airplanes. Now, if you want to talk about how that event has provided an excuse for the US Government to try out all sorts of abuse to see what the populace will blindly put up with in the name of "security" that's a whole other story...


dankephoto's picture
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re: Loose Change

Geez! Can't we all just get along?!!? Why question all this when everything is going so well here in the good ol' USA and everywhere else in the world? Time to keep our eyes shut and our collective noses to the grindstone, anything other than blind obedience and unadulterated patriotic support of the current American regime is treason.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

Huh, what?

So yeah, Occam's Razor does cut here (as everywhere), but still - where're the damn engines?!!?

dan k

Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: re: Loose Change

Geez! Can't we all just get along?!!? Why question all this when everything is going so well here in the good ol' USA and everywhere else in the world? Time to keep our eyes shut and our collective noses to the grindstone, anything other than blind obedience and unadulterated patriotic support of the current American regime is treason.

I hope you're not aiming that at me, because *I* certainly never said I agree with US government policy. I'm just not stupid enough to believe that said government could competently pull off a conspiracy of this scale. (Take for example the Glomar Explorer debacle sometime. By comparison to a 9/11 scale operation that was "nuttin", and the cover story lasted less then two years.)

Concentrating on idiotic theories regarding the mechanics of the 9/11 attacks is a waste of time and totally pointless when you consider how the US government is having a grand old time abusing citizens in *plain sight*, thank you. 9/11 was an excuse, not a conspiracy.

Edit: As for the "damn engines", they're in the wreckage.


dankephoto's picture
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re: comments on comments

I wrote my comments before seeing Eudi's response, sorry if it looked that way.

My comments simply reflect my observation that the Bush administration and its supporters respond to all criticism with virulent counterattack, not with openness and transparency.

re: engines - yeah, I'm seeing that now as I investigate further.

*edit again*
Holy crap, what a bunch of nuthin'! I just finished reading the very entertaining Loose Change Guide and I'm convinced. This 9/11 conspiracy theory junk is a non-story and a bunch of hooey. Sheesh! Those Loose Change guys have an incredible amount of chutzpah, not to mention an incredible lack of journalistic ability.
*/edit again*

dan k

PS: heh heh, hard to keep up with these interleaving comments. Acute

alk's picture
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Now, if you want to talk about how that event has provided an excuse for the US Government to try out all sorts of abuse to see what the populace will blindly put up with in the name of "security" that's a whole other story...

Two quotes from Thomas Jefferson come to mind.

"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."


"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."



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