hello everyone someone please help me i have two emacs one a normal 800mhz and the other is 8oomhz aswell but its an ati graphics version!
the normal emac has nothing in it but a screen a video analog board attached to the screen through a crt and some speakers. (no dvd,hdd,ram logic board)
the other is full and working (boots up you can hear the fan spinning, hdd spinning and once i got a flickery picture for about 3 seconds when it was booting up thats it !
i think i need a new video analog board so can i take the other one out and put it in the ati graphics it looks the same but not if you know what i mean all the same connections it just looks abit different,
someone please let me know if this can be done i will be most greatful and help out in anyway i can
i have solved a good few mac/xbox/xbox360/psp problems so far so if you need tips on any of the others let me know many thanks to you all!!!!!!!!
I think it might if the connectors are the same, might be worth a try.
i was thinking of it, but some connections are the same look the same and some sit in differrent places on the emac they can still be reached but want to know if it can be done or if it cant i am broke and need one working so i can use it or i would just go for it thanks.
Try the genious bar.
whats the genious bar????? sorry got no clue can you tell me in detail please thanks
you knwo, the place at the apple stores, in the back that they call "The Genius Bar" where you are supposed to bring your machine and or your dumb son/daughter/girlfriend/jocks dropped and dead iPod so that they can get repaired, replaced, or you can get told where to stuff it.
Just dont forget to make an appointment with them ahead of time, because,... even if you drive the hour and a half to the nearest one (like i've got to) they'll still refuse tio see you even if they havent got a single customer.
thanks for the tip i will look into it sometime over the weekend nice one will keep you posted