odd ibook screen issue

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westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
odd ibook screen issue

i just posted this on apple support, but i think it might help to have here as well:
right now i havea an ibook g3 with strange screen issues. the owner who asked if i could repair it says that it fell off his desk with an ethernet cable plugged in. so the ethernet port is completely crushed (the trackpad casing is visibly dented when you take off the keyboard), but this also started screen issues. the computer can start up, but tapping it or dropping it even an inch on one side screws up the screen. it just starts to scan lines down, and it will change if i firmly tap the left wrist rest right by the keyboard. the computer completely freezes when this happens too.

since the screen does this and the pressure point is near the video out port, i suspect something in the display system broke or shorted. however, rebooting leads to a blank screen, more lines, or a perfectly normal computer. so might the hard drive be at fault as well? it was running when it dropped, so there seems to be a number of things that could be damaged.

but just now, i tried booting the ibook again the the hard drive sounds like it's trying to spin but can't. a very sad sound, really. that might be the new primary cause.

Last seen: 13 years 3 months ago
Joined: Apr 15 2004 - 22:11
Posts: 142
Sounds like a Failed Logic bo

Sounds like a Failed Logic board due to the GPU problem that the G3 Series had.

Here is a thread on 'fritter

You could look at here for a possible solution http://www.powerbook-fr.com/ibook/bricolage/repair_g3_video_en_article797.html

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
reading that, it looks about

reading that, it looks about right. so of course once the gpu is temporarily repaired, then comes repairing the screen housing which has broken away from the screen on one side, and making sure the hard drive wasn't killed because the noise it makes sounds like something in it may be damaged.

westieg3's picture
Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Apr 4 2004 - 18:03
Posts: 465
i just did a repair by puttin

i just did a repair by putting some of those felt feet on top of the gpu portion of the heat shield to press against the case. so far, i think it's fixed since the screen worked fine first try. still yet to give it some abuse to test it, but this works fine. i must say, getting the computer open is a NIGHTMARE. the screws are easy enough, but i really had to pry to get the port side corner open once all the clips were undone.

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