Im trying to repair a Cinema display with a torned off DVI connector. The DVI connector was torned off because someone tried to take it with him while the display was still connected to a PMG5. The Connector is gone so im stuck with a display with only the wires. There are 4 sets of 2wires each which i presume are the TMDS wires. Then im stil left with 5 other wires which are easy 2 identify.
Only problem i have is that i don't haf any pinout of the DVI cable of the display. I can't find any info not even at Apple ( and im a certified desktop/laptop engineer)
Can someone here give me directions of the pin outs of the display? Or what color is what pin?
see for more details and a pinout on the dvi bus... hope this one will help you out a bit?
cheers, chris
Thanks but already saw the page, my problem on the moment is the color coding of the wires. I just opened up a connector of a know good cinema display at work. And found out half of the wire codings. So hope i can make up the rest coming weekend.
@Chris501: I see in your sig that your a ACDT. I presume you mean Apple Certif. Desktop Tech? If so, do you perhaps have access too a destroyed or at least a connector of a cinema HD display
Anyway if ever i find out what the color coding from this 20 inch cinema display is i'll post it on the site. So others can benefit from it in the future.
yeah, that's right

at the moment i'm at the recertification exam...
sorry, but i rarely get any cinema displays. most of them go back to apple with out any fiddling on my side...
ah nice i see. Wel then it's up to me, too get the pinouts of the display. Mayb il try again tomorrow.
let us know when there's something new from your side!
good luck, chris.
Well good news guys!
I finally repaired the cinema display and got a RTF with pinouts and colors!!! Going too post it on the site with some pictures.
The display is working as we speak and all is well. I just need to clean up the wires and make better solder connections to the DVI connector. The Glue it all into place nd put the connector back together.
Then its off too the original owner of the display.
Well I just submitted the story so hopefully it will be seen on the front page soon.
Edit 13-12 The story is now on the frontpage here is the link