Apple II Europlus - problems with video

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Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Oct 5 2006 - 19:01
Posts: 2
Apple II Europlus - problems with video

Okay i picked up a Apple II Europlus recently and cant seem to get a display up and running. Physically it looks fine, it powers up with the power key lit up although it doesnt give me the bootup beep very often.

It didnt come with any video leads and has no extra cards inside either.

Now should this simply connect to a TV with your normal aerial/RF lead? I have tried with an Apple IIe green screen monitor and get nothing. Tried it on an old TV and all i get is a tiny bit of signal amongst the static which corresponds with the apple output (you can vaguely make out something computer display like).

Am I doing something drastically wrong? am i missing a vital component? Is it a fixable hardware problem?!!

I am dying to get my new pride and joy working!



Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
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Re: Apple II Europlus - problems with video

... it doesnt give me the bootup beep very often.

That's a bad thing. Could be a problem with the power supply, with any of a number of support chips that go through the motions of resetting the computer, etc.

Now should this simply connect to a TV with your normal aerial/RF lead?

No, the Apple puts a composite video signal out the RCA jack in the back. You need a video display that can take a liberal interpretation of the video signal and display it (i.e. a modern LCD monitor with composite-in will generally look horrible). Plugging it into the video-in that your VCR normally uses should work (assuming TV and computer are both speaking PAL or both are speaking NTSC to each other, see below).

I have tried with an Apple IIe green screen monitor and get nothing.

I haven't worked with Eurapples or PAL before. Are the two matched? Is your green screen monitor PAL? (Did they even come that way? I don't know...)

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Oct 5 2006 - 19:01
Posts: 2
Okay thanks for clearing that

Okay thanks for clearing that up,its hard to find any documentation on this version of the apple ii.

much appreciated!

Last seen: 8 years 7 months ago
Joined: Jul 16 2006 - 17:30
Posts: 81
I have a Eurapple II+, and pl

I have a Eurapple II+, and plugging it into our LCD flat-TV (through the SCART composite video connection) works great! As said above, you cannot plug it into the RF input of a TV, you must use the composite video input (usually RCA connection if available, otherwise SCART connection which requires a suitable adapter).

BTW I have an Apple II reference manual, which is great since it has all hardware schematics, firmware listing etc...

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