Vinyls and MacBooks

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Joined: May 16 2004 - 13:33
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Vinyls and MacBooks

I've just got one of those sexy MacBooks (white). I'm thinking of injecting some of my personality into it by using vinyls. I'm just wondering if anyone else has tried this (and if they've had success), and if they are easy to remvoe without leaving marks (in case I change my mind or whatever). Also, is white spirit safe to use on the glossy outside plastics, for cleaning or (if needed) to remove any marks that could be left by vinyls?


Max Smile

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 29 2006 - 16:12
Posts: 19
May I suggest something else

much more durable and very customizeable?

go to They have a huge selection of "voices" and colors. I have the Apple martini voice in Azure Blue for my MacBook and it looks awesome. There is also a code for 10% off: ITSABOUTTIME

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 29 2006 - 16:12
Posts: 19
May I suggest something else

much more durable and very customizeable?

go to They have a huge selection of "voices" and colors. I have the Apple martini voice in Azure Blue for my MacBook and it looks awesome. There is also a code for 10% off: ITSABOUTTIME

As for cleaning the MacBook of any reside, isopropyl rubbing alcohol works just fine.

moosemanmoo's picture
Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: Aug 17 2004 - 15:24
Posts: 686
I wouldn't suggest pure isopr

I wouldn't suggest pure isopropyl alcohol. There's a possibility that it could start eating at the plastic, which is a Bad Thing. A solution of half water half alcohol seems to be safer.

Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Jun 29 2006 - 16:12
Posts: 19
yes, much safer

but I can tell you from eperience that I have used 91% isopropyl alcohol on both my iBook and MacBook with no damage to the plastic at all. It is polycarbonate plastic- which is the same plastic used in bulletproof glass. I would suggest trying a half and half mix first, and then if that doesn't get the gunk off, then go for extra strength

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