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same website, different username.
once again, another reason why we need a night watchman. instead, this will sit and rot, fester here for several hours until a moderater opens shop for the day and takes out the trash.
hopefully, my suggestion/request will not fall on deaf ears. a night mod is something we NEED. I can do it. just put me to work.
I second that. And if it helps, I also nominate digital for night mod.
thanks. means alot. I am up most nights anyways, except for the rare case when I actually fall back into a proper sleep schedule. it's my insomnia, and hell, if I can put it to good use, so much the better.
I already propsed this idea in another junk topic, but it was deleted in the morning, and I never receve a PM or reply from anybody as to my idea. let's home somebody listens this time, and thanks for the support.
No problem. Besides being and faithful AF member, I think you are quite knowledgable, and yes, I spelled that wrong.
Heres to hoping it works out.
Folks -
I tend to be awake North American nights, though I only check AF once every hour or two. My email's warwick@applefritter.com if there are any urgent problems.
I guess. Just a note, I check this site frequently, about once every 15-30 minutes.
ok to delete this then.
Just locking it in case we want to refer back to it.
If you're really set on the idea, start up a thread in Architects and we'll talk it over. Personally, I don't see the need. A spam link hanging around for a few hours isn't going to kill us.