i just got my new ipod nano last week and i've been listening to it while using my powerbook due to lack of ram for itunes and mozilla. i can't help but notice how dim the powerbook's screen is compared to the ipod. is there a good bright 13.3 inch screen that i can just drop into the wallstreet? i'm about to open it anyway to do a glowing logo mod, and i've been having issues with loose cables within the screen, so i think i might as well get a new one.
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there are some web sites that provide replacment screens for all sorts of laptops, but they cost in excess of $300. There are some options. You might try a new backlight tube. But you might be better off selling your wallstreet and upgrading.
I'll agree with the backlight tube suggestion. Do be aware that older LCDs just aren't as bright anyway, but over time the tubes do lose some output. A set of tubes should be much cheaper than a whole panel, provided you find the right length and thickness and power draw.
If I remember right, you can drop in a 14" Wallstreet screen, but of course it won't match the existing bezel, so you'd need the entire screen assembly and probably the internal ribbon cable too.
i don't want a new screen due to the fact that i like the 1024x768 reslution with the 13 inch screen, and i'm not planning on getting another laptop since this is my spare machine that i just play around with (and it's in need of repair). backlight tubes sound like a good idea, and i guess i'll just have to find the loose cable in the screen and tape it down since it sometimes comes loose, giving me the stripes and certain colors being off.