FS: Zire 31 and 21

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Posts: 244
FS: Zire 31 and 21

I've decided to finally get a newton, so I'm selling my two other PDAs (as well as some other stuff later).

zire 31 kit -

the unit itsself
128mb palm brand MMC card (same as a SD card, but without the lock)
blue flippy screen cover
mini SD/MMC card reader
USB cable
power supply
pack of screen protectors
original CD

I'd like to get $70-$80 for it, plus shipping. I wont split this up, and I cant trade

zire 21-

the unit
the Power supply
blue flip cover

Im still looking for its USB cable, it uses a standard mini-USB one (same as the 31). It didnt have a CD useses the standard palm software, found here - http://www.palm.com/us/support/palmdesktop.html

like to get $20 for this plus shipping. no trades.

both units are in good condition, and only have the usual little dings. both have had screen protectors their entire lives.

Im in washington, NC, zip 27889.

PM or email with any questions, or if you want pictures.

John - John8520 (at) cox (dot) net

note: stuff ill be selling later -

IBM PS/1 consultant in prefect condition, win 3.1, 160mb HDD, 4mb RAM, no dust
latitude CPi, 366MHz PII, 64mb RAM, 4.3gb HDD, 13.3" screen, flakey CD-ROM, good floppy
Powermac 8100/100, kinda beat up, but working fine, 1gb HDD, OS 7.6, 123mb RAM, CD, floppy

(if you're interested in any of that stuff, go ahead and PM/email me)