cardbus/soundcard compatibility issues in OS 9.2.2 on a WallStreet

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kalijugend's picture
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cardbus/soundcard compatibility issues in OS 9.2.2 on a WallStreet

I'm running a Wallstreet here, you see . . . the soundcard I use is an Emagic a6|2m - a USB device, that is. No problem under OSX; however, most of the appications that I really want to use are either Carbonized or Classic, and correspond to the system resources much better than their X-compatible offspring. The actual card has an OS9 driver package, but after reboot the system refuses to launch the driver. As you know, though, there are no USB ports on a Wallstreet, and so I'm using a Cardbus USB 2.0 + Firewire combo (two of each). The USB extension loads when OS 9 starts, and the system says it sees the card, but no devices plugged into it ever work - meaning the ones that function just fine in OS X (HDD, DVD burner et al). Should I change the cardbus adapter, I wonder? If so, would it make sense to find an old USB 1 adapter for this end? Or is there any external software I might use for making this configuration work?

dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
try a different adapter

Pre-OS X cannot use USB 2.0, though the adapter should run OK at USB 1. Still, it sounds like the adapter isn't playing nice with the OS9 drivers. If you cannot find OS9-specific drivers for that adapter, I'd try a plain old USB 1 card and see how that works.

dan k

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