Home anodised titanium

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ex-parrot's picture
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Home anodised titanium


I don't know if Ti iBooks actually have a titanium skin, but it'd be interesting to see if this works on them. Anyone game?

Eudimorphodon's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
Joined: Dec 21 2003 - 14:14
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Unfortunately Ti's are covered with grey paint you'd have to strip off first. I do have a chassis from a dead one sitting around, though...


dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
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Posts: 1899

I asked a similar question awhile back, but nobody got real fired up about the idea at the time. Blum 3

Here's some Ti discussion here on AF.

Do an AF search for titanium for more, google for even more.

Here's a good one.

The thing is, you'll have to strip all non-metallic bits from the ti bits (which include (only!) the back of the screen, the palmrest and the bottom panel.) Then you'll need to strip all paint from the ti. Sounds like a bit of work, but the results could be quite spectacular.

I have to say, this sounds tré simple though:

using nine-volt batteries, a paper towel and a solution containing phosphoric acid (I prefer Diet Pepsi, but any cola will do).

dan k

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