iBook (Dual USB)

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Last seen: 4 years 2 hours ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709
iBook (Dual USB)


I have an iBook (Dual USB) 500 mhz that I am looking to sell. The unit is in good condition, comes with two batteries, and has recently had two major wear issues addressed. Below is a list of what's it got, and what's been replaced.

- 500 mhz G3 processor
- 256 mb RAM
- 40gb Hard Drive (replaced the whining 10gb unit)
- CDRW drive (this was a BTO option IIRC)
- 2 batteries
- 45w Power Adapter
- Brand new keyboard (no funk or nastiness visible)
- Brand new hinge (was creaky, and not as supportive as it once was)
- 12" LCD with NO dead pixels and full range of brightness
- Case is in reasonable condition, considering age

I'd like to get $400 for it shipped (UPS Ground within continental U.S.), but am willing to negotiate. Make an offer, I'm more than happy to work with interested parties. I'm able to accept paypal, though local pickup within the Pittsburgh metro area is preferable. We can do lunch, that sort of thing. Send me a PM here, or an e-mail to iantm@mac.com .

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Last seen: 4 years 2 hours ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709

It's been sold. Thanks for your looks.

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