So-Cal freebies (and a couple of things going cheap)!

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Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Nov 4 2005 - 01:44
Posts: 43
So-Cal freebies (and a couple of things going cheap)!

After much soul searching (and protest from my spouse re: "the mess") I have decided its time to clear out some stuff.

I am located in Ontario, California 91762. I would prefer local pickup, and will give priority as such. It takes a fair amount of time and effort to ship, so be prepared to pay actual shipping including packing. If shipped, I may elect to charge a small, reasonable sum for the effort on difficult to pack items, IE: printers, monitors, desktops. I'm also not opposed to parting some items. email me for my phone#, or if you have any questions.

The freebies:
These are free for local pickup, partly because I received them the same way. If you have any good pram batteries I could use them in trade, but it's not necessary. shipping is possible if you need the item in question.

item: Qty:

LCII. Works fine. 1
LCIII. works fine AFIAK. 1
IIsi. works fine AFIAK. 1
Q605. chime but no video. 1
PM 8600. needs daughtercard, worked when 1
card removed.
LaserWriter Plus. doesn't print test page 1
for some reason. I have no cable to test.
ImageWriter II. worked fine when I last 1
used it, might need a new ribbon.
ADB keyboards, misc. types. 6
ADB mice, Misc. ~5
ADB cables ?
external scsi cd burner 1
external scsi2 cd burner 1
external syquest 135 1
external syquest 230 1
microtech scanmaker 3 scsi 2

and boxes full of misc. small stuff. cables, etc.

the $ stuff:

local pickup prices negotiable.

item: Qty: $:

PB 140. 3 batts., ext charger, 1 10
display "funky". not sure what
is wrong.
G3 266 desktop. needs cd bezel. 1 20
OS 10.1.3 fresh install.
WGS 9150. needs floppy bracket, 1 20
cable, key. Boots but crash happy.
$100 shipped insured 48 states,
Due to excessive packing on such
a rare machine. I'll throw in
some tapes for the drive. definitely
going to be a collectors item someday.
optiquest 14" vga monitor. works. 1 5
2 RasterOps se30 colorboards 1 set 10
only 1 cable/back panel. no idea
if they work.

Happy hunting!

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: Nov 4 2005 - 01:44
Posts: 43
Lost formatting somehow. cont

Lost formatting somehow. contact me if anything is confusing.

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