What interface does the iBook G4 keyboard use?
Would the Powerbook G4 Al or Ti keyboards fit? I know my Al book is aproximatly the same size... however, do they use the same interface?
I do realize some modding will have to be done... i can't stand the stock keyboard though....
I offered the keyboard from my dead iBook G3 (700 MHz) to a friend with a 15" AlBook, but the cable doesn't work -- wrong side, wrong angle.
I'm pretty sure the AlBooks, the TiBooks, the black PB G3s (Lomard/Pismo), the clamshell iBooks, and the white iBooks have each had their own cable routing. The interface may be the same on some models, but good luck finding a way to extend it.
Would perhaps a g3 keyboard work? It looks to be the same size connector and same length and everything...
they are slightly better quality keyboards, but i'd really prefer to jam a Tibook or Albook keyboard in there...
Hello- i'm desperate and i don't know where to ask this question. I just a used powerbook 1400 which was upgraded to a G3(supposedly, os 9.1, 12 gig) and it worked fine at the guy's house just before, but since there is no operations manual, i am having great difficulty.
first off the unit froze and since i have no ideea how to shut down,
i simple turned off the power switch. this was a mistake b/c now when i turn it on, the start up bar only goes to about 1/4" in and nothing more happens and i can't quit except to shut off my powerstrip for the same thing to happen all over again.
i saw some posts for powerbook g3 when i first loggged onto this site but now that i have registered, i don't see it anymore.
can someone pleaser help me?
where can i egt tech support help with this.
just simple stuff. shutting down, booting out media
from the different drives.
i really did not know what questions to ask this guy when
i bought the darm thing as i never had a laptop or powerbook
before and did not realize there would be complications
like this.