WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD] *** DONE ***

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WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD] *** DONE ***

Hello everyone,
I'm new at Applefirtter, but I've been in the Mac scene for years. Mostly I collect software from the 90's.

I'm desperate to find "Now Fun!", made by Now Software and released around 1993. It's a set of utilities including a screen saver, animated cursors, etc. It wasn't very popular even when it was current, making it difficult to track down.

I would buy it in any form, including just a file download. I don't have to have the box or disks, though I'd be thrilled to have them if possible.

Offer: $45 USD for a copy in any form, including file download only. I'm open to negotiating further if needed. I can pay via PayPal, check or any other way you prefer.

I'm a serious collector who's always ready to spend good money if you put something good in front of me. If you have something else you think I'd be interested in, please contact me. I'm always looking to expand my collection. My main areas of interest are: Screen Savers [above all], "UI customization" and/or personalization apps (examples: Kineticon, Click Change, Zonkers!, Zipple, Cursors, ShutdownFX, etc) and other "novelties". I don't buy games, "productivity" software, etc. I'll always accept a file download only if that's all that's possible.

Others I WTB: Pyro! (esp later versions, 4.x I think), BlissSaver (by Imaja), I Like ICON (by Baseline Publishing), Kids World: Screen Saver Construction Set (by Bitjugglers), and anything else similar.

Thanks for your time everyone! Smile

Best Regards,

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Posts: 372
Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD]

Without digging in too much (fairly confident I do NOT have what you want, but I will check all my mac software)
I did find Pyro! (I have it installed from my disks but doubt I still have my originals) online as a file download.

You can go to MacintoshGarden.com and download versions 1.0, 3.3.1, 4.0 & 4.1

You can download Kids World: Screen Saver Construction set from Macintoshgarden as well, or you can Buy it Fairly inexpensively from Amazon.

Best I could find on short notice.

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Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD]

Have you seen the page located @ http://www.oldapplestuff.com/newsoftware.html?

They appear to have a copy for $7.50 with manual.

Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
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Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD]

@Zan8675: I'm on Mac Garden all the time, I can't believe I didn't see that they had Pyro 4.0 there. I had seen it posted there some time ago, but at that time it was only the much older version. On the other hand, I did know that they had Kids World: Saver Construction Set there. I got excited the first time I saw it, but upon downloading, I discovered that the resource fork had been stripped by an amateur uploader. I had not noticed it was for sale on Amazon though, once again right under my nose. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!

@mbaran: I found the same site for the first time early last year and Now Fun was listed at the time, but there was a note saying it had sold. I didn't expect they'd get another copy. First I thought it was a mistake but I've confirmed it is available -- or it was, I've already purchased it. It's not slipping though my fingers again. I can't thank you enough! I likely wouldn't have returned to that site.

I really appreciate both of your help! I wasn't expecting to get three things on my list from this 1 post, and for far less than I planned to spend. I'm glad I joined the Applefritter community Smile


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Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD]

Glad you had some success. Now that I know what you are interested in I will watch for things I think you may like. I'll PM you at this site if I find anything of interest, be it downloads or physical disks.

Welcome to the fritter!

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Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD] *** DONE ***

@Zan8675: Thanks so much! I would greatly appreciate you keeping an eye out for things I'm looking for. Screen savers are obviously the biggest thing. And more specifically, I'm always looking to collect new third party modules for After Dark, Pyro! (yes a few do exist), Sunset, Darkside, etc (I already have all the official After Dark expansions). Rounding up the 100's of third party modules is difficult just because many were never widely distributed even when they were new and most of the sites that hosted them are long gone.

You know, if you (and certainly anyone else as well) would be willing, what I usually ask people to do is just throw their entire "After Dark Files" directory (in Control Panels directory) into a StuffIt (or any other archive) (then HQX encode obviously) and upload, e-mail whatever the whole thing to me. Then you don't have to go through it by hand or anything making it quick. I don't mean to impose on anyone by any means, but if anyone would like to help out that can often be the easiest way.

Thanks again to everyone here for all the help!


Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Feb 21 2015 - 23:50
Posts: 1
Re: WTB Now Fun! by Now Software [$45+ USD] *** DONE ***

Now Fun and other vintage Mac here : http://www.ebay.com/itm/281607957664?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

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