.sdk to .dsk OSX lion or under OS9.0.3

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robbo007's picture
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.sdk to .dsk OSX lion or under OS9.0.3

Hello all,
Sorry if this questions has been asked here a million times.

I use ADTPro to pass all my .dsk images to floppies so I can then fire them up on my Apple IIe but need to find a way to do the same with .sdk files.

I've managed to get nulib2 compiled and I can extract the .sdk files but I can't finger out how to get these then converted to .dsk.

I have no Windows machine so I can't use Ciderpress. I'm running OSX 10.7.3 and I have Sheepshaver running OS9.0.3 in case there is an old app for this.


Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
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Re: .sdk to .dsk OSX lion or under OS9.0.3

SDK is/was really in the realm of GS machines - where you could download them and convert on your local hard disk with various tools, generally under GSOS. One possible option is to run Parallels or VirtualBox and have a little Windows partition set up to use CiderPress. (I use VirtualBox on my OSX boxen for just such occasions.)

The thing about SDK is that they are really collections of files - like a zip or tar of some arbitrary stuff - and ADTPro is expecting to have a disk image. So the wrapper is the wrong kind of thing. Something slightly more complex than a conversion is required. The files need to be organized on a disk (image), deciding how big the disk should be in the first place, should it be bootable, and so on. So far, CiderPress is the only tool on the modern side that knows how to span all those variables: disk image creation and manipulation, SDK file copying, bxy/shk unpacking, etc.

All that being said - is there something specific you are looking for that you could use help with in the short term?

magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 41 min ago
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Re: .sdk to .dsk OSX lion or under OS9.0.3

I've got a program for OS X, 10.6 is what I'm running, that will unshrink the .sdk to a .dsk image. At the moment i don't remember the name of the program, and I won't be able to check until this afternoon as I'm currently at work. Since it works under 10.6 it should work in 10.7. I'll post the name, and hopefully a link to the download, as soon as I can after I'm home.


magnusfalkirk's picture
Last seen: 17 hours 41 min ago
Joined: Feb 18 2007 - 11:46
Posts: 335
Re: .sdk to .dsk OSX lion or under OS9.0.3

Hello all,
Sorry if this questions has been asked here a million times.

I use ADTPro to pass all my .dsk images to floppies so I can then fire them up on my Apple IIe but need to find a way to do the same with .sdk files.

I've managed to get nulib2 compiled and I can extract the .sdk files but I can't finger out how to get these then converted to .dsk.

I have no Windows machine so I can't use Ciderpress. I'm running OSX 10.7.3 and I have Sheepshaver running OS9.0.3 in case there is an old app for this.


Okay, having had the chance to check my MacBook Pro, after getting home, the program I have that will open Apple II Shrink It files is called Shrink-Fit X and you can find it on the Mac App Store. If you'd prefer to use a program for OS 9.0.3 then there is one called Shrink II that you can find on the web.


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