S-C Assembler v2.0 for DOS 3.3 crashes to monitor on startup

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Joined: Oct 27 2020 - 02:21
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S-C Assembler v2.0 for DOS 3.3 crashes to monitor on startup

Does anyone know how to fix the this version of the S-C Assembler (v2.0 for DOS 3.3) such that it boots normally with the AppleWin emulator?

The following occurs:

Orig Apple II               - it crashes to address 9D89

Apple II+                     - it crashes to address 9D89

Apple IIe                      - it crashes to address 9D89

Apple IIe(enhanced) - it crashes to address 9D88

NB Apple DOS versions 1.0 and 1.1 boot normally as does the ProDOS version 2.0

All such files were found at: https://www.stjarnhimlen.se/apple2/dsk.html

Any help would be appreciated


Last seen: 1 hour 26 min ago
Joined: Oct 27 2020 - 02:21
Posts: 21
Stupid user error

Never mind, all that was necessary was to boot the DOS 3.3 system master, then BRUN S-C.ASM.MACRO.1000.2.0 from the SCMASM20  disk image.

It also appears to load this way:

EXEC LOADER FSE & ASM  Apparently, this loads the assembler and the full screen editor, though I have no idea how to actually get the full screen editor to actually work, The documentation talks about running 'sysgen' and that the 'language card' version of the assembler needs to be invoked. I assume that means to load the assembler at address D000.  To get this to work, I would need very specific step-by- step instructions, but that seems unlikely.

At least I am now able to use a consistent S-C Assembler verion (v2.0) in both the DOS 3.3 and ProDOS environments for learning,(usually by trying to type in and follow each example in the book 'Assembly Language for Applesoft Programmers', a book that uses the DOS 3.3 version of the S-C Assembler.

If anyone knows how to get the Assembler and the FSE (Full Screen Editor) to installed and working, I'd appreciate hearing from you.

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