Ramworks III RGB inverted color problem; Looking for some help.

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transwarp II guy's picture
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Ramworks III RGB inverted color problem; Looking for some help.

Hello again fritters,

I have a Ramworks III with RGB daughter board that is designed to work with the IIgs Apple color monitor. It seems to work great with text only applications, However when a game is loaded the color green is inverted with the color red.

I did some searching but I have not found any answers on how to fix this. I did however find a similar reference at another website describing the same symptoms. You can see that post here; specifically post #4 and down.


Have any of you ever experienced this? Is this normal or what? It’s weird I couldn’t find a single thing on the internet about this, is the RGB option that rare?

Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

transwarp II guy's picture
Last seen: 5 years 9 months ago
Joined: Mar 7 2013 - 08:55
Posts: 474
Re: Ramworks III RGB inverted color problem; Looking for ...

Update for a fix: (Credit to mac-memory)

I fixed the problem by making a new flat ribbon cable. I swapped the pins 2 (Green) & 5 (Red) which were inverted.

By the way, the new cable looks great and fits perfectly in a sub DB-25 housing Smile on the back panel of my Apple IIe Platinum.

I'm not sure why the pin's were switched, maybe a swapped out cable from the factory one?

Who knows, but hey at least when some one google's this problem in the future they will have a starting point lol.

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