pinout differences, edge connector male vs. receptacle

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pinout differences, edge connector male vs. receptacle

In studying the schematics in the manual, I notice that the male edge connector and the receptacle have almost the same pinout; there appear to be two pins interchanged.


Schematic page 2 (the page with the 6502 etc) shows what I think is the male edge, with the "R" decode on pin 21 and the "T" decode on pin L.

Schemaitc page 3 (the page with the pwoer supply) shows J3 (receptacle), with the "R" decode on pin L, and the "T" decode on pin 21.


Are these two signals actually interchanged between the male edge and the receptacle on a real Apple 1? Unfortunately the photos of a genuine Apple 1 whcih I took 15 years ago are not good enough that I can tell.