Is Mike Willegal still alive and well ?

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Joined: Apr 1 2020 - 16:46
Posts: 1048
Is Mike Willegal still alive and well ?

Hi  -


does anyone on this list know about the state of Mike Willegal ?


I'm asking because I tried to reach out to him both via the Applefritter message system and the contact link on his webpage, and got no response for weeks.


Maybe somebody on this list knows an alternate way to contact him, or knows if the died or became disabled (all too many elderly people got gaslighted into taking the CV-19 "vaccine" which actually acts like a depopulation shot - don't comment on this nasty topic to protect Applefritter from being shut down, as the censorship of this topic is strong worldwide, because all governments are an accomplice for this mass murder and biggest medical crime in human history. And don't say it's not like this, I know the truth, as I have been at all too many funerals of CV-19 vaccine victims in the past two years. I'm just mentioning this to make clear that too many people die on us, due to this "jab", before our missions on this planet are completed).


Background for this is that I want to release part #1 of my Apple-1 software developer's toolchain into the public domain, but as I did not have the time to finish my own ACI utility ("ACIace") to generate AIFF files from binaries, I wanted to propose Mike's toaiff.c from his website, which is a fine program able to do all what is needed, but does not work on x86 architectures due to endianess issues. I've augmented it with the canonical endianess function calls, but unless he puts this augmented version up on his website, I'm stuck. I can't add it to my release as the copyright / GPL status of Mike's work is unclear to me.


So, if you know a better contact or if you know about Mike's status, be send me a PM (do not respond in this thread with personal information, as a matter of privacy).


- Uncle Bernie

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jan 31 2024 - 06:40
Posts: 250
I totally agree about CV with

I totally agree about CV with you, Unclebernie. Same situation here on another continent. I managed to avoid this vaccine. Too many funerals due to tumors here. And 99.99% of them had applied stupidly one of the vaccines. And in our country there is no official statistics of those who died from cancer at all!!! 90% of  people population are fools, and they rule because of their quantity. This is doomed.

fingerz's picture
Last seen: 5 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Aug 10 2017 - 13:40
Posts: 173
Let's get back to talking

Let's get back to talking about old computers and leave medical and political discussions to other forums. 

Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 53 min ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1762
Mike last posted here 2 weeks

Mike last posted here 2 weeks ago. Perhaps he's simply busy.

I'm not entertaining letting this thread continue since its first post has already diverted wildly from its intended purpose.

Topic locked