So I have been enjoying my apple II plus with a lower case rom chip and a AE 80 column card.
When I tried Applewriter II it freaked out. So I removed the AE card and problem solved.
Applewritter II but when I type on the keyboard. Using the space or I think the tildy key. It display an closed apple logo from back in the day. So I know it is something with the lower case chip.
Found a program by panda called lowercase adaptor. That works great and even has a patch for applewritter 1.1 But in INTbasic and the other basic. Works great for upper / lower case. Though I found it just translates everything to upper case when wrttting a basic program. But no luck on the apple writter 1.1
So since this is before my time. I woud like any help with this or if anybody could search the memories. I have checked all over the forums and found tons of userfull stuff.
The one thing I found was when I dump the rom chip on the screen. Compared to other rom chips. They don't ahve that filled apple symbol in them. So I'm pretty sure if I found another lowercase chip It would fix it. But I'm wondering how this chip is. It did come out of another Apple II plus.
Thanks For Any Help,