IIgs and adtpro

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IIgs and adtpro

I can see the cursor on the IIgs blinking as if it is doing something, am I supposed to do the IN#2 + 14B after each step?

1. Speediboot
2. ProDos
3. ProDos Serial Client

At one point I got some noise from the speaker and this


Everything I've done, nothing is happening

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

I bought this cable and the pinouts are wonky from what I can figure out.

NModem >> DIN8
1 Nothing
2 3
3 5
4 2
5 4
6 Nothing
7 2
8 1
9 Nothing

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Have you read this


which describes what needs to be done beside connecting the cable?

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

I've done that, over and over

Can't get ADTpro to work right in Windows 10, it locks up under El Capitan... I'm at my wits end with this project, it is driving me absolutely bonkers. I can't even get the strange output to the monitor anymore.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

I've done that, over and over

Can't get ADTpro to work right in Windows 10, it locks up under El Capitan... I'm at my wits end with this project, it is driving me absolutely bonkers. I can't even get the strange output to the monitor anymore.

On the Apple ][, with the SSC in Slot #2, you Type:


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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Is that IN#2 then +

or IN#2 no then +

that part is confusing, I've tried both, but haven't had any luck.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

You should watch the video and it will be less confusing for you:


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Re: IIgs and adtpro

I watched the video, but my IIgs isn't doing what it shows in that video, it sounds like he hit after the IN#2, but he doesn't say hit

Anyway, I'm going to find a video card for my computer that has 3.5" floppy drive support, IDE and S-ATA, a parallel port (for Commodore ZoomFloppy) and the serial port on the Motherboard. It has Windows 7 on it, because I borrowed the video card out of it to get the Mac Pro back up and running, I got it with two video cards in it, one of them was dead, the other the cooling fan wasn't working. I swapped the fan from the dead card to the working card, but I think it was on the verge of breaking down completely because the Mac Pro would lock up when anything "graphic" would happen, even the screen saver would lock it up. I should have kept the dual G5 aluminum for this. I didn't know I was going to be taking this project on, at least not in this capacity, I was asked if I could recover some diskettes 3.5" floppies from an Apple computer (turns out it was a Franklin, got the Franklin operating diskettes yesterday, and they were no help) I did some reading, and found several places that said I could read these on a PC and copy them no problem. That hasn't been the case. I have an old Pentium 133 that I resurrected recently with MS-DOS 6.22, it has support for 5.25" 1.2MB floppies, but I don't have a HD 5.25" to see if the 400K diskettes can be read. All I have is a 360K, and it won't even read the Microprose Pirates diskette or saved game diskette. I've already spent more than I can afford, and put a few things on credit for this so it is frustrating. Anyway, now that I've gone all the way around the subject. I have a Windows 7 PC that has built in parallel, serial and HD 3.5" floppy drive support that I can put a video card in and go try that out. The built in serial on my bench computer works, the modem port on the IIgs might be the culprit. I have an off brand serial card I pulled from my Apple IIe that just recently died, but there is no documentation on how to use it, I set it up like the SSC, but there is a jumper for Modem/Printer, and instead of 7 DIPs per bank, it has 8, the little I did find says to ignore #8 on each bank, jumper the Printer and then plug the Female DB-25 in to the Modem pins. It didn't act quite right on the IIgs though.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Back to the drawing board with the null modem, cables work, at least I get output to the screen without the null modem...

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Hello Charles,

Have you check the Control Panel ? The slot #2 should be in the Modem Port configuration.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

I have, it is set to modem, settings are default

I tried with just the DIN8 to DB9 no null modem, and from GtkTerminal I can send to the Apple IIgs, ADTpro recognized my com port once and that was it, but it did send giberrish to the Apple IIgs through the cable.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Very annoyed right now . . .

Non-Cryptic instructions for the Apple IIgs

type IN#2
press + without hitting type 14B

Send data from ADTPro

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Additionally I found that the cable I purchased through evilBay, was already a null modem, so I wasn't getting anything using four different null modems, little mini one that came with the DIN8 to DB9, the extra one that I had from old PC that I built a DIN8 adapter for, the new PC version I bought and built another DIN8 adapter for, and the Belkin one that I got in a batch of free Commodore 64, 128 computers, monitors, and 8088 and 80286 computers with all their monitors, drives, etc.

So now I'm moving all these Franklin (I finally got another batch of floppies to recovery) and AppleWorks disks. Wonder if there is a market for the Franklin system diskettes?

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Nowhere in the documentation can I find where you're supposed to type, "+" ANYWHERE.

It's not in the video either.

You keep talking about this "+" and there is none.

The instructions on ADTPro clearly state:

"On the Apple, enter:
IN#2 (Number depends on card slot)
ctrl-A>14B (Maybe (the letter "I"))"

Try it without typing, "+" and see what happens.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Nowhere in the documentation can I find where you're supposed to type, "+" ANYWHERE.

It's not in the video either.

You keep talking about this "+" and there is none.

The instructions on ADTPro clearly state:

"On the Apple, enter:
IN#2 (Number depends on card slot)
ctrl-A>14B (Maybe (the letter "I"))"

Try it without typing, "+" and see what happens.

It also does not clearly state that you are to hit after the IN#2, the "+" is a left over remnant of explaining key combinations to computer illiterates, its a dying habit. The video also does not state the after IN#2, so coupled with not needing a null modem, but trying to use an additional null modem and a specific instruction I was going around in circles, quite literally, I would try this over and over again, until I set up a PC with Kubuntu and had to manually install Java, the RXTX libraries, etc, that got me thinking, and went back and looked at what I pinned out on the cable, and removed the null modem from the equation. I did IN#2 then then 14B with no . I got gibberish to the screen, so I tried IN#2 , then the (no ) and got the result I needed.

I wasn't doing this project for fun, I was doing it to help a friend out, my Apple IIe died in the process, was provided with a IIgs, missing instruction in the tutorials/videos, not paying attention to my own pinout tracing from one end of my cable to the other. It was very frustrating, but is is done now, Ciderpress extracted the documents from the disk images, and put all the disk images, and extracted documents on DVD for the guy. The only thing left for me to do now is to figure out why I couldn't get video out to the up-scaler board to the VGA monitor, just because I'm still a little frustrated even though the project is done. That, and my Apple IIe is dead, so now I am going to have to back up my IIe programs, and then ProDOS-ify them to work properly on the IIgs.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Nowhere in the documentation can I find where you're supposed to type, "+" ANYWHERE.

It's not in the video either.

You keep talking about this "+" and there is none.

The instructions on ADTPro clearly state:

"On the Apple, enter:
IN#2 (Number depends on card slot)
ctrl-A>14B (Maybe (the letter "I"))"

Try it without typing, "+" and see what happens.


I went back and re-read the post, it was supposed to be control + a, the "<" and ">", along with anything typed between them disappeared. Had to edit it this post because I see what happened.

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Re: IIgs and adtpro

Just to be sure...

you've start up your Apple II computer and hit the Ctrl and the Reset button together... which is typically written in the following format using the < > signs to show combined key strikes, but don't enter the < > signs.

It's important that no OS will be loaded from a Diskette.

At the occuring prompt type

IN#2 and hit the Return key

(The number will depend on which slot you have your Super Serial Card plugged into. An IIgs' modem port is always in "virtual" slot #2, and an IIc's serial port is always "virtual" slot #2 as well.)

Next you need to hit the Ctrl and the A button together while the Serial card will respond with "APPLE SSC:"

Now enter

14B and hit the Return key

(The number will depend on the speed you have chosen from the bootstrapping tab on the serial configuration dialog box.

When you hit Ctrl and the A button, the Apple Super Serial card will respond with "APPLE SSC:" and the IIgs and IIc will respond with a blinking "?". At that prompt, enter the number in your dialog box and the B key with no spaces. The Super Serial card will require you to hit the Return key, but the IIgs and IIc will not.)

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